3rd Annual Spring
Family Bike Ride
Sunday, May 16
Wyatt Ave.— YMCA
12:30 p.m. Registration, 1:00 p.m. Ride
$5/person, $2/child (11 & under), $15 max family fee
Rides for everyone! Prizes!
Sponsored by
the Lincoln Area YMCA
Bike Trails Council, Wal-mart,
Bassi Construction, BikeTek, Inc.,
Fitness Balance, Puritan Springs
Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center Walk for
Life Saturday, May 1st at 10:00am Registration begins at 9:30 /
We will walk at 10:00
Jeff Street Night at
Culvers * Monday, May 17th * 5-8pm
Sponsored by Jefferson Street Christian Church
(Fundraiser for the New England Trip)
Come on out on Monday, May 17th and have supper with us.
Patronize a good local food establishment,
get your wife out of the kitchen (or take yourself, ladies),
and help support global missions . . . all at the same time!
[text from files received, Jo Hilliard LDN Spiritual Life editor]
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