The local board was charged to distribute funds appropriated by
Congress to help expand the capacity of food and shelter programs in
high-need areas around the country. A local board made up of
government officials and social service agencies will determine how
the funds awarded to Logan County are to be distributed among the
emergency food and shelter programs run by local service agencies in
the area. The local board is responsible for recommending agencies
to receive these funds available under this phase of the program.
Under the terms of the grant from the national board, local agencies
chosen to receive funds must (1) be private voluntary nonprofits or
units of government, (2) have an accounting system, (3) practice
nondiscrimination, (4) have demonstrated the capacity to deliver
food or shelter programs, and (5) if they are a private voluntary
organization, they must have a voluntary board and FEIN and D-U-N-S
Logan County has distributed emergency food and shelter funds
previously with Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois
participating. Community Action was responsible for providing
thousands of meals and hundreds of utility and rental assistance
payments throughout the years. Public or private voluntary agencies
interested in applying for emergency food and shelter program funds
must contact Cyndi Campbell at Community Action as soon as possible.
The phone number is 217-732-2159, ext. 225.
[Text from file received from
Community Action Partnership of
Central Illinois]