Andy Griffith's new role: pitching health care law

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[August 02, 2010]  WASHINGTON (AP) -- Actor Andy Griffith has a new role: pitching President Barack Obama's health care law to seniors in a cable television ad paid for by Medicare.

The TV star -- whose role as sheriff of Mayberry made him an enduring symbol of small-town American values -- tells seniors that "good things are coming" under the health care overhaul, including free preventive checkups and lower-cost prescriptions for Medicare recipients.

Polls show that seniors are more skeptical of the health care law than younger people because Medicare cuts provide much of the financing to expand coverage for the uninsured.

Medicare says the national ad is not political but is part of its outreach to educate seniors about new benefits available next year. Griffith is 84.



Andy Griffith ad:

[Associated Press]

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