It is essential to highlight the importance of flu vaccination for
pregnant women, children and caregivers of children younger than 6
months of age. This is necessary because by getting a flu shot
during pregnancy, moms-to-be can reduce the risk of influenza for
themselves and their baby after he or she is born. Children of all
ages are at increased risk of influenza illness. Getting the flu can
cause them to miss school and activities, and sometimes results in
hospitalization or even death.The combined seasonal and H1N1 flu
vaccine is available at the Logan County Department of Public Health
for anyone 6 months of age and older through walk-in clinic hours
Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. until 4 p.m., or on the HOPE Mobile
during its regularly scheduled stops.
For more information on the seasonal influenza vaccine, call the
Logan County Department of Public Health at 217-735-2317.
For more information, visit and
[Text from file received from
Logan County Department
of Public Health]
Announcement sponsored by
the Logan County Department of Public Health and the Pandemic
Influenza Community Coalition. |