"Americans need border security now
-- not 10 years down the road," Napolitano said. As for the possibility of the project being scaled back by government officials, Tim Peters, a Boeing vice president, said: "They really need to come up with the right calculus, and we'll support that answer and look to be their preferred contractor to build whatever portion of what that calculus is." Both Boeing and the government officials said the technical problems stemmed from an erroneous belief that the first-of-its-kind virtual fence could be put together relatively quickly by tying together off-the-shelf components that weren't designed to be linked. Borkowski said the government shares blame with the contractor for the delays. Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which favors tougher immigration enforcement, said the project has suffered from a lack of oversight. "We didn't get the border security we were promised," Mehlman said. ___ On the Net: U.S. Customs and Border Protection: http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/border-security/sbi/ Boeing Co.:
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