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[February 04, 2010]
-- "Now standing there
were six stone waters jars for the Jewish rites of purification,
each holding twenty or thirty gallons. Jesus said to them, 'Fill the
jars with water.' And they filled them up to the brim. He said to
them, 'Now draw some out, and take it ot the chief steward.' So they
took it. When the steward tasted the water that had become wine...he
said, 'everyone serves the good wine first and the inferior win
after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine
until now.'"-John 2: 6-10
In the Gospel of John,
the above passage recounts Jesus' first miracle. It is not the type
of miracle we typically associate with him, but instead a miracle
that seems almost pointless. He is the guest at a wedding when the
wine runs out. His mother immediately suggests that he solve the
problem and, after some discussion, he does just that. Over 100
gallons of water is transformed into good wine and the party
continues, despite the fact that the text implies that most of the
guests were already drunk. Since this is the first of Jesus'
miracles we can assume it was pretty important yet it also raises
some questions. Why did he do this? What did it accomplish? Why not
heal someone or do something, anything, more useful than helping
some drunk people get more drunk?
The answer to these questions is pretty simple. In all the other
gospels Jesus seeks to keep his identity a secret. He does not want
everyone knowing who he is and what he is all about. But in John he
is different. He is very open about his status as the Messiah and he
wants everyone to know that they are in the presence and company of
the Son of God. And that is what this miracle is about; it is about
making sure people know that this Jesus is no ordinary man. He is
the man who can turn water into wine almost on a whim, with no
thought or special energy. The passage concludes by saying his
disciples believed in him. Indeed! When we think of a miracle in our
lives or we pray for a miracle on our behalf we often forget that
miracles are more about God than us. We might be healed, we might be
spared, we might be blessed, but the miracle that is delivered unto
us is delivered that God might be glorified. The two go hand in
hand. If we have been blessed then we should remember that any
blessing we have recieved is a testimony to the God who loves and
saves each of us. |

Prayer: Holy God, thank you for the blessings in my life and help
me to attribute those blessings to you. Should you choose me to
recieve a miracle help me to use that miracle to glorify you. I pray
in the name of Jesus, Amen.
[Text from file received by Phil Blackburn, First Presbyterian
