Lincoln Christian Church, located at, 204 N. McLean St. in
Lincoln will host Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University
Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University is a 13-week,
Biblically based, life changing ministry to help you learn how
to manage money, reduce debt, and live your financial life the
way God wants! Graduates of FPU increase their savings an
average of $2,000 and paid off an average of $4,500 in debt in a
few weeks.
The next class session will begin on January 14, 2010 at 6:30
p.m., led by Donnie and Deb Parker, FPU graduates. The cost of
the materials is $100. You may register for this course by
contacting the church office at 732-7618, or sign-up in the
Family Room on January 3 and 10.