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Thursday, February 04, 2010

Local Women Attend LWML Convention

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[February 04, 2010]   -- The 64th Annual Central Illinois District-Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (CID-LWML) convention was held on June 6, 2009, in Springfield IL. The theme of the convention was “A Crown of Life,” based on Revelation 2:10. Local women attending the convention were Elaine Ray, Edith Keller, and Linda Huelskoetter, all of Lincoln.

CID-LWML President Shelley Moeller, of Rock Island, conducted the business portion of the meeting. Delegates to the convention voted on a Mission Project goal of $76,000 for the coming year. The following mission projects will be funded during FY 2009-2010: Student aid for church workers; Outreach Center for Christ Lutheran Church of the Deaf, Jacksonville IL; and Portals of Prayer for Central Illinois Prison Ministry.

Guest mission speaker was Kristy Grannis, Mission Projects Administrator with LCMS World Mission. Grannis spoke about the continued need for short-term missionaries and the opportunities available to those who can’t travel but want to support others in making mission trips. Pat Reichert, Meeting Manager of the national LWML, gave an update on the plans for the upcoming national LWML convention in Portland OR, sent greetings on behalf of LWML President Jan Wendorf and encouraged everyone in their continued support for the mission projects of the LWML.


Rev. Larry Troxel, of Quincy, serves as District Pastoral Counselor and led the group in Bible study focusing on the convention theme. Items such as non-perishable food items, personal care products and school and office supplies were collected for the Helping Hands Homeless Shelter in Springfield: 119 boxes of soap, towels and washcloths, shampoo and dish detergent, etc

Pre-convention activities were held on Friday, June 5th with women doing a variety of service projects in Springfield. Friday evening activities included Bible study, singing and fellowship under the theme “The Lord and His Ladies.” Sibling Harmony, a Christian rock band, performed a concert later in the evening for the youth (and young at heart) of the Central Illinois area.

[Text from file received]



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