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Real Estate [see
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House for
Sale by Owners: 630 Peoria St., Lincoln, IL. Two bedroom, 1 bathroom
home on a corner lot. $69,000. Call 712.216.0788 or visit
for more details.
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Sale: 306 Woodlawn Road Repossession-Make an offer!
Hardwood Flooring Throughout. Spacious living room with gas log
fireplace. Full basement could be finished into additional living area.
Privacy fenced yard and two car garage. Build equity quickly for your
future! Price just reduced to only $29,900

Sale: 522 N. Sherman Repossession-Make an offer!
Good curb appeal, located within walking distance of downtown
shopping, schools and churches. This 1 1/2 story home needs your
TLC, but could easily become a really cute home for your family.
There is a basement and garage too!

Mayfair Drive -- Nice maintenance free ranch; Must See the interior
decor; Interior renovated within the past 4 to 7 years; all new vinyl
clad windows; dining room could be converted back to 3rd bedroom; family
room could be made into master suite for 4th bedroom; fenced back yard
with patio; small pond & 2 storage sheds; washer-dryer and all
furnishings negotiable. $132,900
N McLean – Lots of Family Space Here!! 3 to 4 large bedrooms, 2
baths, handicapped accessible, well-maintained & affordably priced. Call
Becky 737-8920.