California Certified Organic Farmers, one of the state's largest organic certification agencies, has been urging the state to crack down on violations for years, executive director Peggy Miars said. "Only with reliable enforcement can we assure customers of the high integrity of the organic foods they buy and eat," she said. California is home to 20 percent of the country's organic operations and is the only state with its own oversight program. Other states rely on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program to make sure organic products meet uniform standards and are appropriately labeled. In March, an internal audit of the National Organic Program highlighted the difficulty of regulating an industry that has grown between 14 percent and 21 percent annually over the past decade. The audit found numerous lapses in enforcement on the national level and in California's program. Jensen, the state inspection chief, said the state had already begun working to meet the audit's recommendations before it was published. He received a letter from the USDA in May confirming that California was in full compliance with national standards. Not everyone thinks more state involvement will improve California's organic industry. Dan Best, the coordinator of Certified Farmers' Markets of Sacramento, said he believes his 10 locations are relatively free of deceptive practices by non-organic farmers. If anything, he said, the state's onerous and expensive certification process has shut out farmers whose products truly are organic. "I've got several growers who everyone knows to be organic, but they don't use the label because they can't meet all the regulation requirements," Best said. "We want to be sure people aren't misrepresenting their produce, we want to be safe, but the current regulations are a huge cost to growers." ___ Online: California Organic Program: California Certified Organic Farmers: California Certified Farmers' Markets: U.S. Department of Agriculture National Organic Program: http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/nop
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