Area seniors took advantage of
the Senior Resource Fair put on by the Senior Issues
Task Force at the Lincoln Park District on Thursday. Free refreshments and door
prizes were offered to attendees of the event, the purpose of which
was to educate local seniors on events and resources available to
them. Senior Issues is just one of seven task forces in the Healthy
Communities Partnership, which aims to improve local health and
Pictures by Mike Fak; text by Lindsey Boerma |

Marcia Cook at Christian Village passes out
material to a visitor. |

Margie Harris was at the Senior Issues Task
Force booth. |


Marcia Greenslate explained that the park district
has senior-oriented activities.

A Social Security official looks to get some
important information. for a visitor. |

Jean Cypher signs up for a drawing at Stacy's
Family Pharmacy's table.

These "senior friendly" phones have large
numbers and amplifiers.

Residents and guests line up at Friendship
Manor for lunch.

Judy Awe helps a diner get her pasta. |
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