Large Estate/Consignment Auction
Saturday July 31, 2010
10:00 a.m.
White Auction Service
501 S. Kickapoo Street
Lincoln IL 62656
A Picture is worth a 1000 words!!
Click on images below to see
larger views of just a portion of all that will be offered at this
spectacular sale!

TERMS: Cash on the day of the sale or check with a valid
picture ID. Not responsible for accidents or for items after they are
sold. Announcements on the day of the sale take precedence over printed
White Auction Service
Auctioneers: Col. Dan White, Gary Morris, Ed Voyles
Il. License Numbers: 440000381, 441000185, 440000301
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL 62656
Phone: 217-732-4718 or Cell: 217-737-8984
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Doris Diez Estate Auction
Sunday August 01, 2010
American Legion Home
100 E. Scroggin Ave., Mt. Pulaski, IL
Due to the death of Doris Diez the below listed antiques, collectibles,
furniture, automobile and personal property will be sold at Public
Joe Kafka willow basket; hand crank wooden butter churn; 2 albums of 78
records; bulls horns; Seth Thomas #89 8 day mantle clock; swivel top
piano stool; fiddle w/horse hair bow; (2) framed, hand embroidered
“Samplers”; hat pins; several modern china head dolls; Avon storybook
dolls from 70’s; horse collar mirror; vinegar cruet stand; Aladdin model
B oil lamp; Rd. Germany wall clock; bird cage & stand; Mt. Pulaski &
Gesner bottle works bottles; wood butter molds; small Sleepy Eye pitcher
w/damaged spout; (2) Modern Sleepy Eye pitchers; several 1 gallon stone
jars & crocks; pickle jar; cow bell; (3) modern Peanut jars; Western
Electric wall phone; cast iron dinner bell; cross cut saw; barn lantern;
flat irons; copper tea pot; several jars of buttons; misc. costume
Stivers solid walnut grandfathers clock w/chimes; (2) beautiful 4 post,
full beds; solid walnut wardrobe; pie safe; oak washstand; nice camel
back trunk; several nice walnut lamp tables; round glass china cabinet;
single door glass front china cabinet; (2) basin stands; pine full bed
w/chest; Windsor chair; several bentwood chairs; cedar chest; maple full
bed w/chest & dresser; nice maple pedestal table w/2 leaves & 6 chairs;
10 drawer dresser w/2 matching tables; 6 drawer chest; Marshfield
upholstered occasional chair; Lazy Boy recliner; 8 place gun cabinet;
Harlequin sleeper sofa; maple coffee tables; oak fern stand; mission oak
lamp table
quilts) including flower garden, double wedding ring and more; crochet
spread w/rosebud pattern; comforters & bedding; embroidered items;
crochet items; table cloths and related;
CHINA: RS Prussia
pitcher & basin; R S hatpin holder; beautiful Bavarian service for 8
w/coffee pot and companion dishes; Smith Phillips chamber pot; (3) Avon
beer steins; purple ironstone pitcher & basin; child’s tea set; Alfred
Meakin china service for 8; modern blue stag pitcher; Hall Jewel T
coffee pot, cups, saucers, pitcher; individual pieces; several rooster
figurines; (12) Staffordshire “Blue Willow” plates, w/cups, saucers, and
salad plates; modern Little Red Riding hood cookie jar;
GLASSWARE: cut glass
brides basket; (18) Avon coin stemware glasses, blue; Gufus Glass
dresser set; (7) glass brides baskets; etched Champaign glasses; ice
bucket; deviled egg plate; (2) pink depression pitcher & glasses sets;
nice pressed glass compotes; Avon ruby glass collection w/12 coffee
mugs, 12 wine glasses, goblets, decanter, vases, serving bowl, berry
bowls, candle holders; misc. glass decanters;
Avon collector plates from 70’s to 2000’s; Norman Rockwell plate
Marigold-ruffled fruit bowl on stand, 9” footed bowls, hat vase, several
sets of candle holders, tumblers & glasses, spoon holder, oval candy
dish, (6) fruit bowls, butterfly pattern nappies, cups, (5) purple berry
small electric organ; misc. kitchen appliances;
Craftsman tool box; shop vac; lawn & garden tools; bench grinder; drill
press; table saw; wood clamps; hedge trimmers;
Many items too numerous to mention
Doris Diez Estate
Co Executors: Phil Swick, Terry
Pam Levi, Richard Bowles

TERMS: Credit Card,
Cash or good negotiable check payable on the day of the Auction.
Registration video taped and a valid photo ID is required to obtain a
buyers number. Buyers must show provided number for each and every
Announcements sale day take precedence over printed material.
Not responsible for accidents or property after sold. All items must be
removed from the sale site on the day of the Auction.
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Thomas Rogers Charitable
Remainder Trust Auction
Tuesday August 10, 2010
Closing Out Farm Equipment Auction
1804 E Hampshire Road, Maroa, IL 61756
This sale will feature online bidding!
for the Mike Maske Auction Service
and follow the link in the sale bill.
DIRECTIONS: Travel 5 miles north of
Forsyth IL, or 11 miles south of Clinton IL on State Route 51 to
Hampshire Road. Go east on Hampshire Road 1 ½ miles to the Rogers
Farmstead. (Follow the signs)
COMBINE & HEADS: (2008) Case/IH 2588
AFS Combine, S#HAJ303224, 418/550 hrs., 20.8-42” dual tires, 500 70R-24”
rear, Full field tracker feeder house, Pro AFS 600 yield monitor only,
IH Ag100 light bar,long auger; (2009) 30’Case/IH 1020 grain platform,
CBJ044408, poly skids, fore/aft, 600 acres-like new; (2009) U/M header
transport; Roll-a-Cone down corn attachment w/cones;
TRACTORS: (2006) Case/IH MX275 front
wheel assist Tractor S# Z6RZ01318*ZC7B, 1497 hrs., dual 380/80R 38”
fronts and dual 480/80R 50” rear tires, 18 spd. pwr. shift trans., 4
pair hyd. outlets, deluxe seat, RTK Auto guidance, NAV 2 controller, 252
Receiver w/Integrated radio, A-Post upgraded in 2008 to large tractor
format; Case/IH 8940 Tractor, S#JJ40093304, 3471 hrs., front wheel
assist, 14.9-30” fronts, 18.4-42” rear duals, 18 sped pwr. shift trans.,
Case/IH JX1100U Utility Tractor, S# HJT004858, cab, front wheel assist,
quick hitch 2 outlets, 1372 hrs, 11.2R 24” & 16.9-30” tires, 12 spd.
transmission; Case 580B backhoe loader, S#8973968, 2 wheel drive, ROPS,
3007 hrs, 17.5-24 & 11L16 industrial tires, 6’ material bucket, 24” hoe
bucket; Farmall Model “H” Tractor, S#382962; C/IH 275 diesel Tractor,
S#17657398, 1448 hrs., turf tires, ROPS; backhoe trenching bucket;
TRUCKS: (2007) Chevy 3500 Truck
1GBJK34D77E157541, Allison automatic trans., 6.6 Liter Duramax diesel,
11’Knaphide bed w/side boxes;
SEMI TRACTORS: (1999) IH 9200 Semi,
2HSFMAMP04C029831, 60 Series Detroit, 10 spd., Eaton trans., 668,000
miles, air latch, Pro sleeper, 295/75R22.5 tires; (1985) Peterbuilt 359,
S#1XP9D29X8FP185047, 855 Cummins, Eaton 10 spd. trans., wet kit, all
air, 11R24.5 tires 1.42 mil. miles; (1981) Kenworth Semi, 10 spd Eaton
trans., 36” sleeper, air slider, good rubber, 1.5 mil. miles;
TRAILERS: (1988) Timpte 42’ “Super
Hopper” aluminum grain trailer, air ride, new king pin plate; (1972)
Montone dump trailer, aluminum box, poly liner, steel frame, new hoist,
tarp & top rail in 2008; (1975) 38’ Rogers Bro. 60,000 GVW trailer,
S#D4010, 24’ deck in good condition, beaver tail, tandem axles, dual
wheels; Bear 8’ x 16’deck, 4’ beaver tail, triple axle, single tires,
bumper hitch trailer; Pace 16’x6’ enclosed utility trailer, tandem axle,
bumper hitch, cargo doors, side door, nearly 7’ inside height clearance;
7’x16’ trailer, bumper hitch, wood floor, ramps w/storage pockets;
Barron 8 x 5’ single axle trailer; home built utility bed tool trailer;
PLANTER: (2009) Case IH 1250 Early
Riser, 16-30” Planter, AFS Pro 600 monitor, (2) 40 bu. hoppers, True
Count air activated row clutches, IH residue managers, IH single disk
row placement fertilizer coulters, pneumatic down pressure, Smart Box
insecticide, lg. hyd. pump, no markers, 1400 acres (1 season);
SEED TENDER: Yetter Seed Jet II w/6
box seed tender, 6 ½ hp Briggs engine, Roots blower & air lock all on
C70 frame w/tongue;
TILLAGE: (2008) 25’ Case IH 330
Turbo disk S#Y85009985, tandems on wings, 7 ½” spacing, rolling reel
harrow; DMI 2500B, 5 leg, 3 point ripper, S#JFH0005821, sheer bolt, gage
wheels, no-till points; 18’ JD 1100 3 point field cultivator; 24’
Harrowgator; 14’ JD BW disk, 8 ½” spacing, 16” blades; IH 720, 5-18”
plow’; Case IH 8-30” row crop cultivator; JD 400-25’ rotary hoe
w/endwise transport; IH 300-20’ hoe;
DOZER: (1999) Cat D5C LGP Dozer,
S#6LS00379, 6 way 10’ blade, 1026 hrs, joy stick control, 24” tracks;
7 yard pull type scraper S#9004500, hydraulic push, (4) 16.5-16.1 tires;
Big Ox 10’, 3 point blade, angle, offset, tilt-3 cylinders; 7’ box
station, S#0220342533; Tremble EZ Steer guidance system;
-30” PST bar w/residue managers, coulters, fertilizer knife, double 18”
notched blade sealers disks, scrapers, single down pressure row springs,
contoured rolling baskets; (2) Demco “Side Quest” 500 gal. poly
fertilizer tanks, Hypro hydraulic pump; Starter Fertilizer controls
w/Raven SCS 450 monitor, 4 solenoid manifold w/16 visible flow gages;
10’ Quality Metal Roundup applicator; 5 hp Honda w/2” pump; misc. spray
parts & fittings; 15 & 25 gal. 12 volt ATV sprayers; (16) new Yetter
2996-008R fertilizer coulters, 20” rippled blades & injector knives;
450gal. , poly, pick up truck tank;
Grain cart, side auger, roll over tarp, 18.4-26” tires, (red); Kill Bro
350 gravity flow on JD 1065A gear;
MOWERS & SHREDDERS: (2003) Kubota
ZD21 zero turn mower, S#45617, 60” deck, 1068 hrs., ROPS; Land Pride
1575, S#199289, 15’ Batwing mower, 6 aircraft tires, chains, 1000 pto;
(2007) Bush Hog Mod 287, 84” shredder; IH 1300 sickle bar mower w/9’bar;
Batchtold mower;
AUGERS & FANS: (2007) Mayrath
10”x36’ truck auger w/7 ½ hp single phase motor; (2000) Convey-All
underbelly hydraulic belt conveyor on wheels; Convey-All TC-1070 PTO
drive belt conveyor; Farm King 10”x60’ mechanical swing away auger;
Gilmore 8”x30’ pto drive auger; Hutchinson 8” auger w/7 ½ hp 3 phase
motor; 6-8” 45degree unloading auger w/motor; (6) Keho Super Flow bin
fans, 3 hp-3 phase; 30 hp-3 phase centrifugal fan;
FOUR WHEELER: Honda “Foreman”
Rubicon 4x4, liquid cooled, reverse, 1099 miles, front winch;
phase pto generator; Auto Mist blower, 3 point, pto drive,; Weber weeder;
SHOP EQUIPMENT: Alkota power washer,
gas powered w/kerosene steam heater; Forney electric arc welder; several
misc. portable air compressors; Allis Snow Pro snow blower; Craftsman
scroll saw & table saw; JD corn sheller w/motor; semi tire dolly;
several steel pallet racks;
Thomas Rogers Charitable
Remainder Trust, Owner
For more information contact
Tom Rogers (217) 519-1913

Cash or good negotiable check payable on the
day of the Auction. Registration video taped and a
valid photo ID is required to obtain a buyers number.
Buyers must show provided number for each and every purchase.
Announcements sale day
take precedence over printed material. Not
responsible for accidents or property after sold.
All items must be
removed from the sale site by September
United Methodist Church Youth Group
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