Thomas E. Culnan Trust Auction
1706 Kankakee Street, Lincoln, IL
Saturday, June 5th, 2010
10:00 a.m.
Due to the death of Thomas E. Culnan the below listed personal property
will be sold at public auction. All are of these items are above average
in quality and condition. This will be a very clean and nice auction.
FURNITURE: nice double leather
recliner; (2) swivel leather recliners w/automans; Formica dinet w/4
rolling leather chairs; matching oak coffee & lamp tables; maple TV
trays; microwave stands; full bed w/chest & dresser; nice oak bookcase;
glass front, modern oak bookcase; drafting table & stool; modern glass
top computer desk; swivel office chair; Futon bed; sm plastic folding
table; card table & chairs; several storage shelves & benches;
APPLIANCES: (2) 19” Panasonic TV’s
w/built in DVD & VHS players; Sony 25” flat screen TV; Uniden 100
scanner; Sony projection TV; (2) Roomba I-Robot vacuums; (2) small dorm
refrigerators; GE washer & electric dryer; several Sony DVD players,
Sony Blue-Ray; Sony Entertainment Surround System, Pioneer Stereo
w/speakers; lots of good quality electronic equipment;
HOUSEHOLD: misc. kitchen utensils &
small appliances; EmerilWare pots and pans; camera tripod; (2) electric
bath heaters; lots of CD’s & DVD’s; (2) 21 speed All-Terrain bikes;
Wilson golf clubs; Camping Gear;
COLLECTIBLES: Castilla guitar; Camel
wall mirror; Porsche 911 advertising; Budweiser wall sign;
Tool Cabinet, Delta chop saw; 8” bench mount drill press; router;
circular saw; bench grinder; shop vise; Dewalt battery drill; bar
clamps; portable air compressor; Xacto carving set; parts bin &
Aluminum Canoe (like new); John Deere JS20 lawn mower-good shape; Weed
Eater lawn mower; Craftsman Mini Tiller; Craftsman front tine tiller;
Troy –Bilt 4.5 hp power washer; propane ready heater; fertilizer
broadcaster; wheel barrow; small Troy-Bilt snow blower; fire pit; glass
top outdoor bar & 2 stools; 3’,8’ 10’ aluminum step ladders; misc. lawn
& garden tools; several sets of lawn chairs; (2) gas grills; Reese hitch
cargo carrier; Coleman gas lantern & stove;
Thomas E. Culnan Trust
Brian Culnan, Co Trustee
Karen Flagg Co Trustee
TERMS: Cash or good negotiable check
payable on the day of the Auction. Registration video taped and a valid
photo ID is required to obtain a buyers number. Buyers must show
provided number for each and every purchase.
Announcements sale day take precedence over
printed material.
Not responsible for accidents or property after
All items must be removed from the sale site on
the day of the Auction.

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