Pentecost is a very special day in the life of the Church. For those
of you who are unfamiliar, or who need a refresher, I want to take
this time to remind you why our worship service on Sunday will be so
important. Pentecost is the birthday of the Church of Jesus Christ.
As we find the disciples they have been waiting. Jesus has been
crucified, risen from the dead and has ministered to them before
ascending into heaven. They have spent their time in prayer and in
the business of replenishing the number of disciples after the death
of Judas. Now they await the promised Holy Spirit, and this marks
its arrival. It is believed and affirmed by Christianity that the
Holy Spirit has been uniquely active and present in the work of the
Church since this day.
What this means is that Pentecost marks the day when God bestowed
His Spirit on the Church for all time. That means wherever the
Church is, the Spirit is as well. When the Church worships, the
Spirit is there. When the Church conducts business, the Spirit is
there. When the Church gathers in mission, the Spirit is there. You
get the idea. Wherever the Church is at work, the Spirit is there.
But we should remember one thing in this Birthday celebration, the
Church implies community. That means that the work of the Spirit
happens in and amidst the Christian community! Therefore Pentecost
not only marks and celebrates the presence of the Holy Spirit here
on earth, but also the permanent establishment of the Christian life
as communal. We are all in this together.

Prayer: Holy God, thank you for the gift of the Church.
Thank you for calling me into the Church in my baptism and for
claiming me as one of your own. Help me to seek the wisdom of the
Spirit as I work with my brothers and sisters to do your will. I
pray in Jesus' name, Amen. |