re's a rough outline, but little definition. And as with many faded or blurry pictures, there's just enough material for people to see what they want in the woman President Barack Obama has tapped for the Supreme Court.
Discussing the effects of the 1996 welfare reform that Clinton signed into law, Kagan took an unsentimental approach in backing the filing of a legal brief saying that illegal immigrants aren't entitled to routine prenatal care.
"It looks pretty clear to me that the brief is right in saying that the welfare law forbids illegal aliens from receiving Medicaid coverage for non-emergency prenatal care," Kagan wrote in a 1997 e-mail.
A year later, she offered a more compassionate view in commenting on an administration debate about an Oregon law that allows doctors to prescribe fatal drugs to help terminally ill patients commit suicide. Kagan said a proposed federal ban on assisted suicide would be "a fairly terrible idea."

These snippets were among 46,500 pages of Kagan's records that the William J. Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Ark., released Friday in response to a request from the Senate Judiciary Committee. Kagan's confirmation hearing before the committee is scheduled to begin June 28.
The White House cautioned against reading the files as an indication of Kagan's views.
"The documents reflect Elena Kagan's efforts to advance President Clinton's well-established policy agenda, and they should not be interpreted as an outline of her personal positions on specific policy issues," said Ben LaBolt, a White House spokesman.
Friday's release, which contained relatively few pages of material written by Kagan, was the first installment of some 160,000 pages the library has identified. Kagan was a domestic policy aide from 1997 to 1999, after spending two years as a lawyer in the White House counsel's office.
The material contained occasional frank assessments of the work of other administration officials, as when Kagan weighed in on internal "discussion points" about a Medicare lawsuit. "These are the most disingenuous
'discussion points' I can imagine. If anyone believes these, I have a bridge to sell. Elena," Kagan wrote to colleagues.
She displayed skepticism about medical uses for marijuana, suggesting that a paper by the Health and Human Services Department needs to "emphasize, more than it does here, that current research doesn't support medical uses of marijuana."