There's growing demand for the smoked salmon vodka beyond Alaska. The first shipment was sent to Texas on June 16, and it's expected to be on the shelves in California within a month. Alaska Distillery also will make a pitch before the Washington State Liquor Control Board, and Foster hopes to have the product available there soon. For those wanting a meatier drink, Black Rock Spirits partner Sven Liden said Bakon Vodka will be available in Alaska and 19 other states within a month. "There's definitely an interest, and I think something missing in the market," he said. Both vodkas have found uses beyond their intended use in a Bloody Mary. "It's good for all of us because it takes it out of the stage of a novelty, and especially when you see these flavors in cocktail lounges, it's not just something weird to do," Liden said. The bacon infused vodka has found versatile uses, from being used in cream-based drinks with chocolate to a drink called a Luau, a mixture of vodka, pineapple juice and a dash of butterscotch. At the Bear Tooth Grill in Anchorage, chefs used the local vodka for a cream sauce served over salmon and pasta. Besides chipotle Bloody Marys, bartender Ken Ryther has served it straight and one of his fisherman customers had back-to-back martinis with the salmon vodka. "In Alaska, we eat a lot of salmon; it's part of our diet," Ryther said. "Either you eat the piece or you drink it. One's going to give you a buzz, one's going to fill your belly." ___ Online:
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