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you know, our family pet is a cat. A long haired, shedding cat! They say
pets are supposed to be treated like a member of the family, but come on. If
any of my kids just laid around the house doing nothing like our cat does,
there would be some major trouble.
I’m at an age where losing my hair is a reality and hair in the sink
can really set off a couple of family members. But no one complains
about the cat shedding. Our clothing often looks like we rolled
around in cat hair. So, out comes the lint rollers which is just
another cat caused expense. Why would my wife and kids live with
this from a cat? Because, they love him … they just put up with me!
Don’t get me started on vet bills, special diet cat food, kitty
litter, and the occasional cat toy. (Although I do enjoy the
motorized mouse.) Again, all cost and little benefit. Our cat
doesn’t make a good watch dog, or get excited when I walk in, or
even fetch stuff. He just lives and naps.
No question about it, I’m confused as to why the cat is so loved and
protected and groomed when he brings so little to the big picture.
Why couldn’t we have a dog. They love you and accept you just the
way you are. They serve you and greet you at the door and get
excited when you come home. They protect you and warn you about
strangers. Dogs are easy to love. |
This may seem like a strange way to open a thought about the Love of
God, but I often wonder how he pulls that off. He loves me just the
way I am. Before I brought anything to the table, before I served
him one day, before I did any good deeds, he already loved me. He
loved me when I was more expensive and effort than a blessing. He
loved me when I was more cat than dog. He loved me when I was a
sinner and he will love me when I’m still a sinner tomorrow. I don’t
know how he does it … but I’m sure delighted he does.
Again, I would love to contemplate this for a while, but I haven’t
the time. I need to change the cat’s kitty litter.
[Ron Otto, Lincoln Christian Church]