
Click on Maske Auction Service ad for sale bills and listings of
auctions and goods.
Grace Reeves Estate
Saturday May 15, 2010 10 a.m.
124 East Logan, Broadwell, IL
Due to the death
of Grace Reeves the below personal property will be sold at the Reeves
home in Broadwell, IL.
produce scale; Free Westinghouse sewing machine; sm. brown Japan tea
pot; 1 gal crock jar; pressed glass serving bowls; ruffled edge Carnival
glass bowl; Broadwell Christian Church plate; (3) crock mixing bowls;
doilies; runners; dresser scarves; (2) Tiffany type table lamps w/lead
glass shades; Stereo scope viewer w/ over 100 slides; Sessions lions
head mantle clock;
FURNITURE: Antique walnut pump organ;
round front oak china cabinet; nice oak wash stand; Haywood Wakefield
maple dining room table w/6 chairs; maple hutch; maple buffet; sheet
music cabinet; 24”x24” oak lamp table w/spool legs; matching loveseat,
recliner, occasional chair; Lazy-Boy blue upholstered recliner; blue
upholstered love seat; sm. iron day bed; blonde oak full bed w/dresser &
night stand; (2) three drawer oak dressers; pressed back rocker; sm.
drop leaf table; several bentwood chairs; 20”x44”x72” wardrobe; top
electric dryer; Gold Star & Sony 19” TV’s; Kenmore chest freezer; RCA &
GE refrigerator freezer; GE portable dish washer; Maytag gas range;
Sigler gas furnace; 10 ¼” sq. skillet; Monterey stoneware for 8; misc.
pots & pans; misc. kitchen appliances; Pyrex; Corning Ware; Fire King;
several misc. Stetson plates; deviled egg plate; Northridge china for 8;
Saturday Evening Posts from 60-79’s; sheets & bedding; 4’x8’ area rug;
floor & table lamps; several file cabinets; metal desks & office
furniture; large chain link dog kennel;
Grace Reeves Estate Executors:
Anna Stanfield (217) 735-1172
Roger Reeves 9217) 899-2735

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TERMS: Cash or good negotiable check
payable on the day of the Auction. Registration video taped and a valid
photo ID is required to obtain a buyers number. Buyers must show
provided number for each and every purchase. Announcements sale day take
precedence over printed material. Not responsible for accidents or
property after sold. All items must be removed from the sale site on the
day of the Auction.
LUNCH: Mt. Pulaski Methodist Church
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Large 4 Family Combined Auction
Saturday May 22, 2010
Logan Co Fairgrounds, Lincoln, IL
Below is a
listing of personal property that 4 families have combined to be sold at
Public Auction at the Logan County Fairgrounds.
FURNITURE: Nice 1925 Hoosier
cabinet; glass door cupboard, antique wash stand; pie safe; Lazy Boy
triple recliner sofa; lazy Boy recliners; end tables; two nice sofa’s; 3
piece sectional sofa; microwave stand; straight back chairs; steel shelf
units; chest of drawers; full bed; maple night stand; maple desk; (2)
maple platform rockers; Bakers rack; oval dinette w/4 chairs;
COLLECTIBLES: (4) portable collectible
sewing machines; nice Roseville vase; several wine and spirit decanters;
cocktail glasses;
TOOLS: painters scaffold; shop vise;
saber saw; circular saw; deepwell sockets; ½” & 3/8” drive sockets; hand
wrenches; trouble lights; extension cords; bar clamps; battery chargers;
48” bull float; misc. concrete tools; chain binder; folding saw horses;
Dewalt saw; Makita drill; shop lights; nylon straps; electrical lights &
related; misc hand tools; lawn & garden tools; (2) barrel carts; air
hose; gas cans; (2) floor jacks;
HOUSEHOLD: Pyrex; Corning Ware;
exercise bike & machines; several aluminum & fiberglass step ladders;
Sunbeam water cooler; Christmas and holiday decorations; table & floor
lamps; microwaves; toaster oven; misc. appliances;
This just a partial listing-6 rack wagons
if quality items

TERMS: Credit Card, Cash or good
negotiable check payable on the day of the Auction. Registration video
taped and a valid photo ID is required to obtain a buyers number. Buyers
must show provided number for each and every purchase. Announcements
sale day take precedence over printed material. Not responsible for
accidents or property after sold. All items must be removed from the
sale site on the day of the Auction.
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