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5 Grand Oak
Drive, Lincoln
New Listing!
Repossession-Make An Offer!
This Gorgeous Colonial Is Located On A Nearly One Acre Lot, In a Lovely,
Rural Subdivision. Chester East Lincoln School District, With School Bus
Pick Up And Delivery At Your Door. Numerous Updated Features,
Including Well, Septic, Roof, Chimney And So Much More. Offers Three
Bedrooms, 1 1/2 Baths, Living, Family, & Formal Dining Room. Two Car
Attached Garage. Call Diane
For A Personal Showing & For Details On How You Can Home This Home!

115 S. Adams St.
New Listing!
Repossession-Make An Offer!
A Perfect Starter Home-Two Bedrooms, Full Basement, Located On A
Corner Lot Close To All Amenities. There Is An Extra Large, Two
Car Detached Garage With Ample Work Area. You Can Own This Home
For Much Less Than Rent Payments. Low Taxes & Utilities. $32,000

Richland Avenue
New to the Market!! Spacious family home; 4 bedrooms, 2 baths,
huge family room with wood burning fireplace; Located in Starkey
Acres with all the conveniences of town with country views. Call
Dale Klockenga for more info! 217-737-9202
Enjoy the
deck overlooking a small lake and all the easy maintenance of condo
living. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths plus a full finished lower level. There’s
been lots of updates to this comfortable home, both inside and out.
Call Dale Klockenga 217-737-9202