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Blumenthal apologizes for misstatements on Vietnam

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[May 24, 2010]  HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) -- U.S. Senate candidate Richard Blumenthal has apologized in an e-mail for misstatements he made about his military service during the Vietnam War. The apology came nearly a week after the controversy erupted.

Blumenthal said in a statement e-mailed to The Hartford Courant late Sunday that he made mistakes and is sorry.

It's the first apology from Blumenthal. He had said he regretted his misstatements and took responsibility for them after The New York Times reported last week that he wrongly said more than once that he served in Vietnam.

He served stateside in the Marine Reserve during Vietnam. He says he unintentionally said he served "in" Vietnam when he meant "during" Vietnam.

Blumenthal, Connecticut's attorney general, received the Democratic nomination for the Senate race Friday.

[Associated Press]

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