Snacks and drinks will be
provided, and participants are welcome to bring food and
nonalcoholic drinks. The Lincoln Junior Woman's Club is
celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Funds raised support
various local charities, programs and scholarships. To sign up for
the trivia night or to learn more about the Junior Woman's Club,
e-mail or call 217-341-9275.
Lincoln Junior High pancake and sausage breakfast is this Saturday,
Nov. 6, from 7 a.m. to noon. Tickets are $5, and children 5 and under eat
free. Walk-ins are welcome and encouraged. Drive-through service is
available through the alley behind the school. Also, there will be a book
fair during the breakfast, and donations are being accepted for books
appropriate for junior high age. So, gather family and friends and come out
for breakfast at the junior high, 208 Broadway.
Humane Society of Logan County will have Santa Claus in town
at Big R in Heritage Plaza on Saturday, Nov. 6, from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. Santa will be available for portraits with your pets and
children. Portraits are $10 and will be available for pickup on
Saturday, Nov. 13.
Due to the boiler being out at
Holy Family Church, all
Masses will be conducted at Carroll Catholic School until further
September's LCHS Senior of the Month is Kathryn Langdon of
Her school activities have included Spanish Club, Fine Arts Club,
Math Club, Thespians, chorus, band, speech, volleyball and National
Honor Society, among others. Kathryn is active in the community as
well, including volunteer work with the Zonta dinner, American
Legion, Chester-East Lincoln School, Together for Lincoln and
numerous other volunteer efforts through the First United Methodist
Church Youth Mission Team.
Kathryn is planning on mechanical engineering as a college major.
Logan County Bank congratulates Kathryn on her selection as LSHS
Senior of the Month for September.
Logan County Bank is proud to sponsor the Lincoln Community High
School's Senior of the Month/Year award and scholarship program.
Each monthly winner, receives a $50 U.S. savings bond from Logan
County Bank and is eligible for a $1,500 scholarship awarded by
Logan County Bank, to be used at the college of their choice.
Samantha Nichols has been named October Senior-of-the-Month
at Mount Pulaski High School. Samantha is the daughter of Michael
and Julie Nichols of Mount Pulaski.
During her high school years, Samantha has been active in
numerous activities, including FFA, yearbook, Science Olympiad,
Drama Club, Scholastic Bowl, and Worldwide Youth in Science and
Engineering. She has held leadership positions in many organizations
as well: co-president of National Honor Society, secretary of
Spanish Club, vice president of Spirit Squad, treasurer of Family,
Career and Community Leaders of America, and vice president of the
senior class.
Samantha is also an athlete, competing on the award-winning Lady
Toppers volleyball team and on the track team.
In the community Samantha has participated in Community Day with
the Mount Pulaski Christian Church youth group. She has also
volunteered for flood cleanup in Kentucky, participated in a work
camp in Boston and served as a volunteer at Refuge Ranch, an equine
rescue ranch that helps both horses and underprivileged
children. She has also visited an inner-city mission to help feed
the homeless and play with the children there.
Academically, Samantha is an outstanding student. She plans to
attend Lincoln Christian University, where she will continue to play
The Senior-of-the-Month program is co-sponsored by Johnson's Food
Center and Mount Pulaski Pharmacy. Monthly winners receive $100
savings bonds and are eligible to compete for the $1,000
Senior-of-the-Month award.
[to top of second
column] |

Pulaski High School honor roll
First quarter, 2010-2011
Straight-A honor roll: Hannah Allen, Ethan Cline, Olivia
Griesheim, Brooke Merold, Samantha Nichols
High honors (3.80 and above): Chase Aylesworth, Haley Bowles,
Patrick Bree, Haley Casper, Brooklyn Collier, Alec Murphy, Zachary
Honors (3.50-3.79): Ryan Ely, Megan Griesheim, Andrea Hanna,
Byron Holmes, Lillian Koehl, Jared Maxheimer, Christopher Smith
Honorable mention (3.00-3.49): Quentin Cole Awe, Cole Beckers,
Micah Caldwell, Calvin Faith, Clayton Hamilton, Ashley Hathaway,
Mitchell Holmes, Cory Malone, Bree Selenik, Paul Stoltzenburg, Cory
Titus, Lorah Volle, Karilyn Walsh, William Wernsing
Straight-A honor roll: Mark Foley, Carly Powell
High honors (3.80 and above): Alexandra Conley, Samantha Fanning,
Allison Haley, Audrey Maske, Justin White
Honors (3.50-3.79): Ryan Amidon, Katey Bobell, Joel Davis, Marlea
Elias, Jeremy Henrichsmeyer, Jacob Litterly, Kyle Przykopanski,
Matthew Southerlan, Grace Tierney
Honorable mention (3.00-3.49): Whitney Clayton, Hillary Fielden,
Kelsey Griesheim, Andrew Houser, Taylor Lowe, Brooke Lydick,
Jonathan Oberreiter, Taylor Schahl, Christopher Wernsing
Straight-A honor roll: Rachel Allen, Sylvia Klumpp, Elyse
High honors (3.80 and above): Jessica Awe, Rachel Durchholz,
Timothy Koehler, Zackary Ladson, Alexa Meister, Hannah Skaggs,
Trenton Trump
Honors (3.50-3.79): Auston Constant, Janson Cooper, Caleb
Coppinger, Shanyn Gibbs, Allison Hickey, Cole Huff, Jessica Raineri,
Jacob Stoll
Honorable mention (3.00-3.49): Nataliya Aleshchenko, Taylor
Anderson, Scott Clampet, Tanner Clementz, Holly Elias, Edward
Griesheim, Jacob Hahn, Breanna Howe, Emily Johnston, Shawn Knauer,
Tyler Litterly, Schentel Maiers, Bryan McCawley, Alexandra Sanchez,
Kendra Willoughby
Straight-A honor roll: Chun Yin Michael Ho, Cady Lowery, Jordan
Luczaj, Aaron Stewart, Jordan Taylor
High honors (3.80 and above): Marissa Mattingly, Emma Stewart
Honors (3.50-3.79): Stephanie Bailey, Derek Baunach, Madison
Chandler, Madison Haley, Brady Thomas
Honorable mention (3.00-3.49): Jana Adams, Hannah Boward, Zachary
Fanning, Marcus Hoock, Kiersten Meagher, Chelsea Siembida, Owen
Tschantz, Maxwell Van Rheeden
a good piece of news, information or something that we can all brag
about? If you do, e-mail Mike and let us tell everyone about it.
Plus you can win cash. Every submission, whether we use it or not,
will get your name in the Close Up grab bag. At the end of the month
we will draw a name and someone will get $25 just for dropping us an
e-mail. If you wish, we will be happy to donate your winnings to the
organization of your choice.
You can contact Mike at