Ward 1 -- Oct.
18, Nov. 1, Nov. 29
Ward 2 -- Oct.
20, Nov. 4, Dec. 2
Ward 3 -- Oct.
22, Nov. 8, Dec. 6
Ward 4 -- Oct.
26, Nov. 11, Dec. 9
Ward 5 -- Oct. 28, Nov. 22, Dec. 13
Residents must have their leaves in biodegradable paper bags and
placed by the curb before 7 a.m. on the scheduled day of pickup in
their ward.
No brush or other landscape material will be picked up, only the
leaves. If the bags are not out when the crews drive the routes,
they will not be picked up until the crews come back on the next
scheduled date for that ward.

Other ways to get rid of your leaves are as follows:
Mulch the leaves
with your lawn mower.
Bring your own leaves to the city's
landscape waste facility on the corner of Broadwell Drive and
Lincoln Parkway. The fall extended hours will start Nov. 1 and
run until Nov. 24 on the following days: Tuesday through Sunday
8 a.m.-3:50 p.m. After Nov. 24 the facility will be open on
Wednesdays and Saturdays with the same hours.
The city of Lincoln has a detailed policy on leaf burning.
Pursuant to city ordinance, leaves and landscape waste may be burned
within the city limits only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and
only from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on those days. In addition, the following
requirements apply:
No burning is
allowed closer than 50 feet to any structure.
An operable hose
of sufficient size and capacity to extinguish the fire must be
present at all times.
The fire must be
attended at all times by the person conducting the burn.
Burning must be in
the open and not in a barrel.
Burning may only occur on concrete or
brick streets or on paved areas on a citizen's property.
top of second column] |

Any police officer, firefighter or code enforcement official may
order a fire extinguished if the fire or smoke is determined to be
injurious to another person's health or safety. Any violation of
this ordinance is punishable by fine.
If you have any related questions, you may call 732-4655 or
[Text from file received from
Tracy A. Jackson, street superintendent]
