Tuesday, Oct. 19, there will be a special blood drive sponsored by the First
Presbyterian Church Board of Deacons in memory of Joyce Kinzie. It will be
at the First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 301 Pekin St., from 2 to 7 pm.
The Wellness Ministry Team of Lincoln Christian Church will host the
Seventh Annual Service of Remembrance on Sunday, November 7, 2010, at 4:00 p.m.
in the Church Sanctuary.
The purpose in providing this yearly gathering is threefold: to celebrate God’s
gift of life and to worship Him for it; to honor the lives of loved ones who
have died, particularly during the past year; and to provide a corporate
opportunity for loved ones to process, express and heal from their grief.
A special part of the service will be a time when each person who has died will
be named individually and a candle will be lit in his or her memory and honor.
Everyone is invited to attend and participate in this service of memory and
honor for loved ones.
We invite those who have lost loved ones during the past year to submit a photo
of your loved one by November 1 in order to be included in the pictures
displayed in a power point presentation during the service. You can bring or
mail the photo to the Lincoln Christian Church office, where it will be scanned
and returned to you. Or, if you have a digital photo, you can send it directly,
via email, to remember@lincolnchristianchurch.org.
The Wellness Ministry Team will host a time of fellowship following the service.
New Beginnings Thrift Shoppe is partnering with Fresh
Start Ministries here in Lincoln to raise money to help
in needy families purchase food for Thanksgiving this year.
I have attached information on the event and both
ministries. The event starts the 25th of October.
If you have any questions you can stop by the shop or call
217 737 9934.
[text from files received, Jo Hilliard LDN Spiritual Life editor]
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