Estate Auction
Red Barn Antiques
Saturday October 23, 2010
Friday October 22 -- 5 to 7 p.m.
The Red Barn opened in 1968. The Browning's ran a
repair and refurbishing furniture business for 30+ years, in conjunction
with the antique store, which closed earlier this year.
The following is only a partial list of the items
to be sold at Public Auction:
Show Cases (2) 4 ½
x 5 ft.; 5x3 ft.; 5x4 ft.; 3x6 ft.; 3 ½ x 14 ft. Oak; 9x6 2 pc. Oak
w/Marble Kick Plate; Several Other Display Cabinets
Several Sets of China; Glassware;
Pictures; Frames; Paintings;
Books; Lots of Paper
Goods, Some Lincoln Related,
including Plats, Magazines, 1000+ Postcards, (Many ILL. Related);
Wooden Advertising Boxes;
Large Dining Table w/(10) Chairs;
Vintage Tools
including Old Planes, Ice Tongs, Bale Hooks, etc.;
Large Amount of Silverware;
Floor and Table Lamps;
Brass Bed;
Cast Iron Crib;
Metal & Wood Shelving;
Old Good Year "Wing Foot" Boys Bicycle;
Furniture Components
including Table Legs & Tops; Sewing Machine Bases & More; Wooden
2 Coffin Stands;
Wood Burning Stove;
Floor Grates;
Vintage Lights, Shades, & Fixtures;
10+ Old Wooden Doors
including 1 Set of French Doors;
Lumber and Other
TOOLS: (2) Drill
Presses; (2) Wood Lathes; (1) Craftsman; DeWalt 10 Radial Arm Saw;
Rockwell 14 Band Saw; Craftsman 10 Table Saw; Rockwell 4 Jointer; 6
Belt & 9 Diameter Disc Sander Combo; Edge Sander; (2) New Wilton Wood
Vises; (2) Dust Collectors (1) New; Quincy Commercial Air Compressor 110
or 220V; 60 Gal. Tank; (2) 6 Table Saws; Spray Paint Guns and Paint
Equipment; Approx. 200 Gals. of Paint including Sherman Williams and
Pittsburgh; Hand Power Tools including Sanders, Saws, Routers,; 1000+
Pieces of Hand Tools Hammers, Wrenches, Socket Sets, Wrench Sets,
Sheet Metal Tools, C Clamps, Bar Clamps, Tap & Die Sets; 26 Alum. Ext.
Ladder; (2) 20x50 Metal Parts Cabinets w/(11) 4x19 Drawers; (1) 7
Drawer Metal Parts Cabinet w/98 4x4 Compartments.
Many more items not listed.
Announcements Auction Day
Take Precedence Over Any Printed Material

The above is only a partial listing of a local business that was in
operation for over 40 years. Hope to see you at our Open House,
Friday October 22, 2010 from
5:00 to 7:00 P.M.
and Sale Day. Your Attendance is Always Appreciated. Ron
and Matt
Visit the
Knollenberg website for photos
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Save the Date!
Be sure to attend the Harvest of
Talents Auction at the Lincoln Christian Church
204 N. McLean Street
Lincoln IL
Saturday October 23 at 2 p.m.

Dallas and Corkey Knoy Public Auction
2035 950th St., Chestnut, IL
Sunday, October 24, 2010
1:05 p.m.
Dallas and Corkey Knoy have purchased a smaller
apartment and have decided to sell the below listed items. They invite
all of friends and neighbors to attend this auction.
COKE COLA MACHINE: Square top coke cola machine in
working order;
JOHN DEERE MOWER: Restored John Deere 110 lawn
tractor-looks good;
COLLECTIBLES: Chestnut Grade School silverware; Antique
velvet lined silverware chest; 1930s Mare & Colt lamp; Rare antique
button collection; 1950s 4-H memorabilia; Assorted LP albums John
Denver, JFK, Roger Miller, Reba Rambo; Antique pair of eye glasses frame
; 1939-1960 cancelled postal stamps original;
Caterpillar memorabilia;
FURNITURE: Dining Table 64 oval with (2) double leaves
makes into 86 table Mahogany, Protective pads included; Mahogany three
pane china cabinet 64 x 4 in excellent condition; Antique dovetail
desk with chair; 4 drawer dresser with scroll handles; (2) antique child
dressers; 4x4 Entertainment center; Early American round (2) tier
swivel table; nice 12x72 bookshelf; Couch & love seat
HOUSEHOLD: Sewing machine and table; Assorted yards
fabric; Assorted sewing notions & craft supplies;
Assorted ceramics; Complete set of Stoneware with serving
dishes; Glassware set, 2 sets stemmed dessert glasses; Fostoria glasses
set of 12; Antique Silver items, silverware, serving trays; Misc.
stainless/glass serving dishes; Fiber optic Angel; Several home interior
items; Misc. embroidered dishtowels and pillow cases;
In addition to the above listing the family
will include several items of personal property and appliances.
Dallas and Corkey Knoy, Owners

Credit Card, Cash or good negotiable check payable on the
day of the Auction. Registration video taped and a
valid photo ID is required to obtain a buyers number.
Buyers must show provided number for each and every purchase.
Announcements sale day take precedence over
printed material.
Not responsible for accidents or property
after sold.
All items must be removed from the sale
on the day of the Auction.
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Mike Maske Auction Service
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Real Estate/Estate Auction
Location: 129 Seventh St., Lincoln, IL.
(Across from Central School)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
1:00 p.m.

Property: Corner lot
totaling 60 x 120
The house consists of a living room, kitchen, utility room, 3 bedrooms,
one and one half baths, basement, front porch, and a 1 car garage, both
with vinyl siding.
Improvements include a new roof on one half of the house and all of the
garage, new windows, new central air and furnace, new front porch plus
new carpeting and hardwood floors.
It is in a great location 5 blocks from the square and across the
street from Central School.
Open House
Sunday, October 17th
2:00 4:00 pm
or by appointment with the auctioneer
TERMS: Purchaser will
enter into a written agreement to pay 10% down at time of sale, with
balance due within 30 days with delivery of title insurance. The
property sells as is with no warranties or guarantees.
The seller reserves the right to
reject all bids
Announcements on day of sale take
precedence over printed material.

Chevy Celebrity, 4 dr., 66,120 miles; 1989 Chevy Lumina Van, 99,220
Riding and push lawn mowers; elect. start snow blower.
property will be sold at 2:00 p.m. during this auction.
Steve Gresham Estate
Gerald Gresham, Executor
TERMS: Cash on day of
sale or check with valid picture ID.
We are not responsible for accidents or
for items after they are sold.
Announcements on the day of the sale take
precedence over printed material.
White Auction Service
Auctioneers: Col. Dan White & Gary Morris
Il license numbers: 440000381 & 441000185
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL 62656
Phone: 217-732-4718 or Cell: 217-737-8984
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Howard Zook Public Auction
Saturday October 30, 2010
Farm Collectibles and Equipment
Saturday, October 30, 2010
10:00 a.m.
2101 1500th St., Beason IL 62512
Howard Zook has sold his farmstead and has no
need for the below listed personal property.
1949 John Deere B tractor, 2 row mounted cultivator, new paint; 1951
Farmall H, narrow front, original paint; 1949 Farmall M, narrow
front, 12 volt, runs, good; Kosh sickle bar mower w/JD brackets; 4 split
IH wheel weights;
MOWER: Toro 17-52
zero turn mower w/Kohler engine;
Vest high wheel wagon; grain cradle; wagon spring seat; Hayes check wire
winder; wood well pump; 8 gal. Western crock; 5 gal Blue band jug; 1 &2
gal. crocks; cast iron tea pot; barn lanterns; Duplex fireless stove;
Operators manuals including JD B, IH 656 & 706, 490 disk, 490 corn
planter, 45 combine w/original purchase order; 1950s license plates;
yardstick collection; Howe platform scale; shop anvil; WWI US QMC
buckets; post drill press; implement seats (4) metal (1) cast;
carpenters tool chest; lard press; sausage grinder; milk cans; garden
cultivator; neck yokes; horse collars; railway baggage cart; lightning
rod w/glass ball; hay forks;
(one of a kind) Victrola w/case assembled by Dick Stoll
of Beason;1912 Clinton HS yearbook; musical Christmas train; Badmann
Big Hauler G scale train, 4 cars 20 track; (25) Supertone records;
flat top trunk; poker chips; plat books form 60s & 70s; American
Legion Preamble wall map; old keys; cook books; Hamms beer tray;
Remington typewriter;
8000 watt, 18 hp generator; Ryobi 10 surface planer; bench top table
saw; Chicago Tool 6 belt/disc sander; J & F band saw; hammers; bench
grinder; crosscut & buck saws; B & D Workmate; Lincoln Welder; B & D
radial arm saw; Craftsman tool box w/rolling chest;
(10) single side Producers seed signs; (2) single side FS seed sign;
(30) corn and seed sacks; Smthers Bro seed treater; seed corn caps;
Co stainless steel sprayer; Dempser grain spreader; 4 section flex
harrow; wood wagon frame w/steel wheels;
HOUSEHOLD: lg. pink
hand painted vase; crystal paperweights; pots & pans; kerosene lamps;
combination safe; modern LPs; divided picture frames; several owl
pictures; (2) Germany beer steins; raining maiden lamp; floor rugs &
FURNITURE: Marshfield
upholstered chair; (2) peach colored arm chairs; bentwood childs chair;
Drexel chest, dresser & full bed;(2) metal wardrobes; four shelf metal
cabinet; sm. 4 drawer dresser; drum table; entertainment center; (4)
cane back chairs; file cabinets; vanity bench;
apartment size freezer; Frigidaire refrigerator; several kerosene
heaters; lots of Christmas; (2) dehumidifiers; floor & table lamp;
fiberglass step ladder; misc. lawn & garden tools; electric hedge
trimmer; rough cut oak & cedar lumber; Mantis tiller; 6x6 garden shed;
small combination safe;
Howard Zook, Owner

TERMS: Credit Card,
Cash or good negotiable check payable on the day of the Auction.
Registration video taped and a valid photo ID is required to obtain a
buyers number. Buyers must show provided number for each and every
Announcements sale day
take precedence over printed material.
Not responsible for accidents or property after
All items must be removed
from the sale site on the day of the Auction.
See more sales for
Mike Maske Auction Service
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