Also in Paktika, Afghan and coalition forces detained suspected insurgents linked to the Taliban-allied Haqqani Network in raids on compounds in Orgun district along the border with Pakistan on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, NATO said. The network is known for operating on both sides of the border and launched an assault on two U.S. bases last month that was repulsed with the loss of more than 30 insurgent lives. Meanwhile on Thursday, larger than usual crowds gathered to withdraw funds from Afghanistan's largest bank, but there was little sign that questions surrounding its viability had sparked a major panic. Nervous customers flocked to Kabul Bank branches on Wednesday to take out their money following the resignation of two top bank executives amid allegations that they mismanaged funds and spent money on risky real estate ventures. On Thursday, the crowd at Kabul Bank's main branch in the center of the Afghan capital was only somewhat larger than normal, following government efforts to reassure the public. Afghan television stations broadcast remarks Wednesday night from central bank governor Abdul Qadir Fitrat insisting that Kabul Bank was solvent and had enough liquidity to meet demands. Problems at the bank could have wide-ranging political repercussions since it handles the pay for Afghan teachers, soldiers and police in this unstable, impoverished nation beset by the stubborn Taliban insurgency and widespread drug trafficking and plundering of aid money. The bank's woes also tie into the web of corruption and personal connections that has soured many Afghans on their government: President Hamid Karzai's brother, Mahmood Karzai, is the bank's third-largest shareholder with 7 percent. The Finance Ministry on Thursday issued a statement assuring that government employees would continue to be able to deposit and withdraw their salaries at Kabul Bank, and said replacement of top executives aimed to improve management and services and was "part of the life cycle of a business." "The Ministry of Finance has confidence in the Kabul Bank's ability to facilitate banking transactions, including salary disbursement," the ministry said.
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