The hospital in Ajdabiya said two rebels were killed in Friday's fighting. In contrast to their pell-mell charges and retreats over the past six weeks, the rebels appear to be attempting a more gradual advance that might actually result in them holding territory. The rebels acknowledge that their forces -- defected army units and armed civilians
-- can't defeat Gadhafi on their own. Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, head of the rebels' National Transitional Council, said this week that without NATO airstrikes, even Benghazi, Libya's second-largest city and the rebels' main stronghold, would be in "complete danger." Government troops, meanwhile, continued their powerful assault with tanks and rockets on Misrata, the last major rebel city in western Libya. Misrata has become emblematic of the limits of NATO's air campaign, with the alliance's top military commander saying he needs more precision attack aircraft to avoid civilian casualties in urban combat.
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