Living Alternatives Pregnancy
Resource Center sponsored its annual spring fundraising event on
Saturday, bringing together individuals who believe in the sanctity
of life and the importance of informed decisions. The Walk for Life
was conducted to generate monetary and community support for the
Pregnancy Resource Center's purpose -- to save unborn babies by
educating pregnant women and girls about the options to abortion,
and in the process support the mother and celebrate life.
Rainy weather kept the Walk for Life from leaving the Lincoln
Christian Church to exhibit balloons and T-shirts designed for the
occasion, restricting the event to the church activity room. Tony Shuff offered a prayer for the event, noting the group had come
together for peace, for unborn children and to help women refrain
from making a decision that would threaten a life, blemish their
souls and cause a lifetime of regrets.
William Dolan offered his own story of being the child of teenage
parents who chose to give him up for adoption. Dolan reminded the
group that if Roe v. Wade had been legalized several years sooner,
he would not have been there on Saturday to speak to them. He then
performed a self-written song professing salvation from despair
through his faith.
The Pregnancy Resource Center offers free pregnancy tests and will
make ultrasound referrals. Linda Nelson, director of the center, explained the
assorted programs. "Prenatal classes explain the pregnancy process,
videos are used to explain body changes experienced during
pregnancy, and we talk about what to expect at the hospital," Nelson
said. "We provide a supportive environment to encourage a healthy
and happy experience before and after the baby's birth."
The program brochure for Helping Others Parent through Education states
that it offers information to help individuals understand
pregnancy, increases knowledge of challenges and joys of parenting,
and gives participants the opportunity to earn redeemable points for
maternity items, baby supplies and equipment. Women and girls can
begin attending during the pregnancy and continue until their baby
is 18 months old.
Visit the Pregnancy Resource Center, 308 N. Union in Lincoln, call
735-4838 or email for more information on programs and services. The
Living Alternatives
website is
Reporting and pictures by
Marla Blair |

(From left) Debbie Mileham and Justin
Montour were successful in selling all the items donated to the bake
sale at the Walk for Life. Charlotte Gaither made her selection from
a wide variety of cookies, cakes, brownies and rolls, thanks to many
good bakers and their assorted specialties.

Dozens of items were donated for
the silent auction held during Living Alternatives Walk for Life on
Saturday at the Lincoln Christian Church. Several items were on
display, and gift certificates were available for meals and services
from area restaurants and businesses. |


Almost 100 participants signed up for the Walk
for Life on Saturday. Paid entrants received a T-shirt and as many
balloons as they could handle. The event attracted several children
and their parents, including toddlers and infants along for the ride
in their strollers.

At the Walk for Life on Saturday, William Dolan
(left) offered a testimony on abortion; Linda Nelson (center), director of the Pregnancy Resource Center, welcomed walkers, made
announcements and introduced speakers; and Ashli Brown, executive
director over Illinois' North Region (four of 12) Living
Alternatives centers, attended the event to show her
support for staff and volunteers. |

Lincoln resident Mary Stone, 22, attended the
Walk for Life because she "likes babies and wants mothers to be
happy." Mary attends the Lincoln Christian Church and is a volunteer
at the Christian Nursing Home. As well as walking for the cause, she
made a donation at the face-painting table and chose the Dalmatian
for her cheek.

Director Linda Nelson, volunteers and staff
from the Pregnancy Resource Center hosted the Walk for Life on
Saturday. Robin McClallen (green sweatshirt) volunteers four days
each week. She and her husband, Terry, are on the stewardship
committee, which plans and conducts fundraising activities for the
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