The drive-up payment kiosk allows local residents to make
payments to such agencies and businesses as the city, county,
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital, Ameren Illinois, Area Disposal,
Comcast, CCAonline and others, without the use of postage. The kiosk
also offers two U.S. Postal Service drop boxes.Last week Mayor
Keith Snyder announced that the drop boxes have arrived, but before
installing them, work will be done on the concrete banking around
the boxes and on the driveway area.
This week the following news release was issued by Tracy Jackson,
street and alley superintendent. Please note that the city will have
someone on hand to assist with dropping off payments as well as
items to be mailed.
News release:
The city of Lincoln Street Department will be removing the
pavement around the drop boxes in the 200 block of North Kickapoo
Street starting this Wednesday.
New boxes and a new driveway are being installed.
During this process there will be someone there to take your
payments or mail and place them in the boxes.
This service will be from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday.
[LDN and
city news release] |