The trooper discovered a significant amount of fraudulent credit,
debit and gift cards inside the vehicle from reputable retail
establishments.Blank driver's licenses and identification cards
from multiple states were also found with machines used to produce
fraudulent identification cards, holograms, driver's licenses and
credit cards. A search also revealed approximately $12,362 on the
driver and two passengers.
"The holiday season is big business for criminals, counterfeiters
and identity thieves who are busy plying their trade with scams and
fraudulent activity across state lines," said Illinois State Police
Director Hiram Grau. "This traffic stop prevented a ring of
counterfeiters from exploiting and compromising the identity and
personal information from hundreds of potential victims," he
Ayala, Bush and Mullon were arrested and charged with possession
of altering credit cards, a Class 3 felony; possession of stolen
goods, a Class 4 felony; possession of fraudulent credit cards, a
Class 3 felony; and possession of a machine to make counterfeit
credit cards, a Class 3 felony.
Illinois State Police Investigations and the U.S. Secret Service
were contacted for further investigation.
All three suspects refused to cooperate and were subsequently
turned over to the custody of the Sangamon County Jail without bond.
A court date is pending
[Text from file received from
Illinois State Police]