Cathcart served four years as an associate pastor in Salt Lake City
with a cross-cultural new church plant among Mormons. She has also
had a number of short-term missions experiences in Thailand,
Cambodia, inner city Los Angeles and a reservation in Arizona.Her
doctoral dissertation is entitled "Preaching and Culture: An
In-depth Analysis of the Engagements with Culture in the Sermons of
Rob Bell, Timothy Keller, and Michael Pfleger." That project has
allowed her to do extensive research in a variety of cultural
settings, from small town to inner city, from immigrant populations
to African-American communities.
Dr. Robert Priest, one of the world's foremost missiologists and
her doctoral adviser at Trinity International University, writes
this of Cathcart: "She is one of the most academically gifted
students we have had in our PhD program. ... Her dissertation work
is pioneering a new area of missiology ..., and I have every
confidence that her work will shape the field of missiology for
years to come."
Established in 1944, Lincoln Christian University is a Christian
higher education community whose mission is to nurture and equip
Christians with a biblical worldview to serve and lead in the church
and the world.
[Text from file received from
Lincoln Christian University]
