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Egypt's revolt met with wide support, censorship

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[February 12, 2011]  LONDON (AP) -- From London to Gaza City to Seoul, the world is savoring the spectacular fall of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, with demonstrators rallying in the thousands. But other authoritarian regimes aren't celebrating -- and some are trying to censor the news.

In China, where the ruling Communist Party ruthlessly stamps out dissent, terse media reports downplayed the large-scale pro-democracy protests in Egypt that forced Mubarak from power and instead emphasized the country's disorder and lawlessness.

In oil-rich Equatorial Guinea, where coup leader Teodoro Obiang has held sway since 1979, state-controlled media was ordered to stop reporting about Egypt altogether, according to

Nearly everywhere else, newspapers congratulated Egypt's revolution Saturday with many headlines reading: "Finally."

[Associated Press]

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