In the County of Logan, State of Illinois, an Election will be held for
the following offices:
Villages –Trustees:
New Holland
San Jose
Atlanta Memorial Park District
Chestnut-Beason Park District
Mt. Pulaski Park District
Lincoln Park District
Emden Park District
Armington Community Park District
San Jose Park District
Library District Trustees of:
Elkhart Public Library
Ayer Public Library
Atlanta Public Library
Barclay Public Library
Lincoln Public Library
Mt. Pulaski Public Library
School Board Members:
Warrensburg-Latham Comm. Unit Dist. # 11
Clinton Comm. Unit Dist. # 15
Williamsville Comm. Unit Dist. # 15
Olympia Comm. Unit Dist. # 16
Hartsburg-Emden Comm. Unit Sch. Dist. # 21
Mt. Pulaski Comm. Unit Sch. Dist. # 23
Lincoln Elem. School Dist. # 27
Chester-East Lincoln Comm. Sch. Dist. # 61
West-Lincoln-Broadwell Sch. Dist. # 92
New-Holland-Middletown Elem. School Dist. # 88
Illini Central Comm.Unit Sch. District # 189
Greenview Comm. Unit School Dist. # 200
Athens Comm. Unit School Dist. # 213
Lincoln Comm. High School Dist. # 404
Delavan Comm. Unit Sch. # 703
Community College Board Trustees:
Illini Central College # 514
Richland Comm. College # 537
Heartland Comm. College # 540
LincolnLand Comm.College #526
Educational Service Regions Trustees:
Sangamon County
Tazewell County
Dewitt, Livingston and McLean Counties
Logan, Mason, and Menard Counties
Macon and Piatt Counties
Fire Protection Districts Trustees:
Mount Pulaski Fire District
and the following Proposition:
Proposition to authorize sales tax in Logan County exlusively for school facility purposes
Sally J. Litterly