White Auction House
501 S. Kickapoo St. Lincoln, IL 62656
Saturday February 19, 2011 10:00 a.m.
Pump organ; enameled gas stove on legs-1930’s-1940’s;
tables of antique tools; horse collar; Miller Lite sign; cookie jars;
cow bell; planes; copper oil cans; license plates; pulleys; meat
grinders; cast iron cornbread pans; scales; Radio Flyer wagon; pot belly
stove; wall phone; wicker baby buggy; car horns; cast iron dutch oven;
jackets; holsters/belts; 45 records; TV; misc. knick knacks.
Sled; golf clubs; hub caps; fireplace tools; 5 gal. milk
cans; gas cans; floating lawn mower; reel mowers; 8’ aluminum ladder;
bumpers; bicycles – boys; Craftsman table saw; Craftsman tool bench; new
leather punching bag; paint gun; blow torch; torch hoses; monkey
wrenches; space heater; like new storm door; vice; tool boxes; battery
charger; ammo boxes; chains; electric water cooler; gas refrigerator;
Viewing the day before the sale from 9:00 am to
3:00 pm.
Terms: Cash on the
day of the sale or check with a valid picture ID.
Not responsible for accidents or for
items after they are sold.
Announcements on the day of the sale take
precedence over printed material.
White Auction Service
Auctioneers: Col. Dan White & Gary Morris
Il. License Numbers: 440000381 & 441000185
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL 62656
Phone: 217-732-4718 or Cell: 217-737-8984
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George and Patricia Fleck Farmland
Wednesday March 16, 2011
7392 Barclay Road, Sherman, IL 62684
Open House Schedule
Sun. Feb 27, 1-3 p.m.
Sun Mar. 13 1-3 p.m.
Tue. Mar 15 6-8 p.m.
Auction to be Conducted at the Riverton Firehouse
Farmstead, Improvements and 44.64 acres
LOCATION: The Fleck farmstead
is located approximately 5 miles northeast of Springfield just off of
State Route 54 on Barclay Road.
east 1/2 of the northwest quarter of Section 2, Twp. 16 N., Range 4 W.,
Clearlake Township, Sangamon county, Illinois.
Parcel Number 15-02.2-100-003; 44.64 Acres; 2009 Assessment
28,609; 2009 Taxes (Payable 2010): $1,895.30; Per Acre:
YIELD HISTORY (5 year ave. bu. per acre);
Soybeans: 44; Corn: 186
FERTILITY (soil tests taken in 2007 );
Average pH- 6.6; Lime applied in 2007
FSA DATA: Farm Number: 659;
Tillable Acres: 31
Property Information: 5 miles
from Springfield; Tri City School District; Riverton Fire District;
Clearlake Township; Tax IX # 15-02.2-100-003; 48’x78’ Machine
Shed; Part concrete floor, shop, 100 amp service, water; 31 Acres of
Cropland With Great Yields; Rolling Pasture With Perimeter Fencing; 1/2
Acre Farm Pond; Modern Machine Shed With Shop; 6,000 Bushel Grain Bin;
Dwelling Information: 2,740
Sq. Ft of Living Area; 5 Bedroom , 2.5 Bath, 2 Kitchens; Finished
Basement with full Kitchen; Walkout Basement Patio; Gas Forced Air
Furnace; Gas water heater (propane); Central Air conditioning;
6000 Watt Standby Generator; Wide Deck With View; Electric & Gas Ranges;
Built in 1964 w/lifetime steel roof in 2002 100 Amp Electrical Service;
enter into a written agreement on the day of the Auction requiring 10%
of the purchase price as down payment with the balance due at closing.
Closing will be on April 19, 2011. Possession of the farmland will be
given at closing. Possession of the farmstead and sheds will be on June
17, 2011. The Seller is willing to compensate the Buyer for two months
rent due to the delay in possession. The cropland is free from crop
lease for the 2011 crop year. The final sale price will be determined by
multiplying the highest successful bid by 44.64. The Seller will pay the
2010 Real Estate Taxes due in 2011 by allowing the Buyer a credit at
closing. The Buyer will pay subsequent years real estate taxes. Sellers
reserve the right to accept or reject all bids. The sale of this land is
not subject to the ability of the Buyers ability to obtain financing.
Announcements made on the day of the auction take precedence over
printed materials or typographical errors. Copies of the Title
Commitment and the Sales Contract will
Banker Cornerstone/Mike Maske Auction Service and their staffs are
agents for the Seller and in that capacity represent the Seller only.
DISCLAIMER: The information
contained within this auction brochure is considered accurate, however,
this information is subject to verification and no liability for errors
or omissions is assumed. Each Coldwell Banker Office is independently
Coldwell Banker Cornerstone
303 S. Kickapoo St, Suite 1
Lincoln, IL 62656
(217) 732-8353

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