Our intake workers take the complaint either verbally or in writing,
and either open a mediation file or refer the consumer to the
appropriate agency for assistance.
Mediators are trained in alternative dispute resolution and work
directly by phone, fax, and letter with all parties involved in the
dispute. Once a mediation file is opened, the mediator contacts the
consumer to collect information and contacts the provider and/or
insurance company to settle the dispute. Our success has resulted in
savings of approximately 21 million dollars for the citizens whose
claims we have mediated.
Fill out our
Health Care Complaint Form (English) 
Fill out our
Health Care Complaint Form (Espaņol) 
Call our Hotline Number at 877-305-5145 or TTY
To learn more about the Bureau's complaint patterns and consumer
tips related to health care issues, please visit the
Health Care Bureau Bi-Annual Report. 
Common Complaints include:
Denial of insurance benefits because prescription or
treatment is considered any of the following : Not medically
necessary, experimental or investigational, cosmetic, preexisting
condition, not used according to FDA approved guidelines.
Slow pay on claims that may or may not result in
damage to the consumer's credit history.
Claims partially paid leaving the consumer with an
unexpected large balance to pay.
Denials of coverage for emergency services including
emergency ambulance services.
Difficulty with access to primary or specialty
Billing disputes take many forms, such as fraudulent
billing schemes and gross overcharging.
False or misleading advertising relating to health
care issues.
Various problems involving the in-network versus
out-of-network referral processes.
Difficulty with negotiating the internal or external
appeals processes once a denial is issued.
When a pattern of misleading or deceptive business practice in
health care is identified, the attorneys in our bureau can bring
civil court actions to protect the consumers of the state.
Additionally, three attorneys and a physician medical advisor are
available to the mediators to assist with professional issues raised
in the problem solving process.
Trying to Stay in Network to Maximize Your Insurance
[to top of second
column] |

By now most of us are acquainted with lists of in-network doctors
and pharmacies. Here are a few tips about staying in network that
you may not know.
Most managed care plans have contracts with specific labs or
x-ray facilities to provide services to their members. Check with
your health plan customer service representative to make sure that
the lab or x-ray facility you expect to use is currently
contracted as an in networkprovider. This information is not always
in your benefit brochures. Your doctor's office may be able to guide
you but they frequently deal with 20 or more managed care plans and
should not be solely relied upon to have the most current
information for every plan.
If you use an out-of-network facility you will be responsible for
all or a significantly larger portion of the bill. Lab and x-ray
expenses can be substantial. It is a good idea to check with your
health plan before scheduling and obtaining services whenever
possible. After your doctor gives you a referral to see a
specialist, always call your health plan to make sure that the
specialist is currently in the network.
Most health plans have specific in-network ambulance companies.
In-network hospitals may have x-ray, lab, surgical assistant and
anesthesia services provided by out of network doctors who bill
separately. Ask the hospital business office or the individual
providers first so you know what to expect. If you must use out of
network hospital based services that will cause higher bills for
you, try to negotiate a price and payment plan before services are
Changes on the horizon in health insurance programs depend on an
informed consumer actively involved in medical choices and managing
their health insurance benefits. Ask for all of your policy
documents, not just the marketing brochures, and read the fine
print. Knowing the details of your coverage could save you
thousands of dollars and lots of headaches in the future.
Health Care Bureau Hotline Number: 1-877-305-5145 or
1-800-964-3013 (TTY)