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[February 21, 2011]
--"Now if Christ is
proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say there is
no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the
dead, then Christ has not been raised; and if Christ has not been
raised, then our proclamation has been in vain and your faith has
been in vain."-1 Corinthians 15: 12-14
The Bible is quite clear on one,
singular point regarding what will happen next: the dead
will rise. All of them. From all time. From
everywhere. Everybody is coming back for the grand
judgment. This is the way things will go, according to
Scripture, but not according to our popular notions of
death. Most of us consider the body to be a mere shell
which is dispatched with this life, while our souls head
up to heaven. While this has some vague roots in
Scripture, it is not representative of the Bible's
teaching on the matter. Instead, the Bible returns,
over and over again, to the issue of the resurrection of
the dead, with bodies. The nature of these bodies will
be explored later in the month, but trust me when I say
to you, your body matters.
But why? Because our bodies are a
part of God's creation. Our bodies reflect our creation
in God's image, yet they too, like the rest of creation,
are fallen. They are broken. Here on earth, our bodies
don't work like they should. The wear out; they break;
they fail us. But the spiritual body, as Paul refers to
it, the body which we will receive in Christ, will not
do these things, but will last for all time. But make
no mistake, it will be a body. So if the dead will rise
again for judgment, and that, obviously, has yet to
happen, then what of the interim. Where are our loved
ones now? This is more difficult to say, but the great
theologian N.T. Wright has a phrase for it; "blissful
sleep." The Bible is unclear about the interim time,
clearly something happens, and clearly we don't all
lapse into nonexistence for awhile, but there is no
clear answer to the question. I am not telling you all
this with any agenda, but rather to shed light on what
the Bible actually says about this. We will go into
more details on Sunday, but, until then, remember this;
your body is going to be with you a very, very, very
long time.

Prayer: Holy God, thank you for all you have done for me,
and for giving me this body. Help me to remember that it too is a
part of your creation, and that it too shall be with me forever. I
pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
[Phil Blackburn, First Presbyterian Church]