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Cantor says GOP wants to work with Obama on jobs

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[January 26, 2011]  WASHINGTON (AP) -- House Majority Leader Eric Cantor says Republicans can work with President Barack Obama on ways to reinvigorate the economy.

The Virginia Republican tells CBS's "The Early Show" that there are "certainly some things that we can work together on," including programs to stimulate innovation and ingenuity in the business world and completion of pending free trade treaties.

But on spending, Cantor suggests the administration must embrace the harder line that the GOP has been taking. Cantor said, "We need to look at things we can do right away to slash spending." He said that in order for Washington policymakers to restrain the spending habit, "we're going to have to force that budget down."

Cantor says public officials must immediately come to grips with "serious fiscal issues, long-term, in this country."

[Associated Press]

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