Safety chair Jan Schumacher said that Alana Sorrentino of the Logan
County Emergency Management Agency and Shana Bean, emergency
response coordinator for the Department of Public Health, put a lot
of time and assistance into developing the plans to be used for the
safety of courthouse employees.The guidelines include protocols
for a wide variety of situations, from wounds and injuries to disaster
situations such as snowstorms or fire, and includes how to assist
individuals with disabilities, a phone tree and training days. It
names the sheriff as spokesman to media in an emergency event.
Also, EMA director Dan Fulscher and Sorrentino completed National
Incident Management System training of all county officials on
Tuesday evening. The training introduces officials to nationally
recognized standards and procedures in an emergency situation and
helps qualify municipalities for emergency response-related grant

Logan County
Regional Planning Commission -- Blair Hoerbert and Bill Gleason
Housing Authority
of Logan County -- Lois Conrady
Abraham Lincoln Tourism Bureau -- Bill
Prescription discount card program
Insurance chair Jan Schumacher said the countywide prescription
discount card program would be ready to roll out on Sept. 1.
Community Action and the health department would help get
information out to the public on who qualifies and how to register.
Courthouse dome and roof maintenance
Bid processes for improvements to functional structures in the
courthouse dome and for the roof are under way. Schumacher reported
for vacationing building and grounds chair Terry Carlton that when
the bell stand repairs have been completed, new roofing would be
done and clock repairs would also be made so that all the faces read
the same time. Tower Clock won the bid for the clock repairs.
[to top of second column]
 Economic development
Executive and economic development chair David Hepler reported
that the revised economic development master plan has been completed
and is available to review.
He added that the search for a new economic development director
has been narrowed down and an announcement is expected to come forth
soon. There was one criterion added to the job description: that the
director would live in Logan County.
The board is considering adding a category of liquor license. An
establishment with a liquor license made a request to have an
outdoor beer garden.
An outdoor garden would afford patrons the luxury to smoke.
Reasonable noise limits and outdoor lighting blockage, issues
that might bother neighbors, would be written into the ordinance.
Bill Martin said he had a conversation with the state fire
marshal's office to see if there are any stipulations regarding gate
entries. The fire marshal's office responded that they do not
regulate that but recommended consulting the state's life safety
code to see if it includes anything that should be written in
pertaining to fences. Martin said the ordinance should be ready for
presentation next month.
The board went into executive session, citing personnel matters,
at the end of the evening. While specifics of what was to be
discussed were not identified, union labor negotiations with the
sheriff's department have been under way for half a year and are
reportedly stalemated.