Led by co-directors Amy Cherry and Deanne Mott, the young ladies
have attended practices with the current fair queen, Bethany Rea, as well as
informative workshops that will prepare them not only for the
competition, but also for the year ahead of them should they take the
The queen competition will be on Aug. 2 at 7:30 p.m. in front of the grandstand on the
county fairgrounds.
During that time, the contestants will present themselves in the
one-piece swimsuit competition, the evening gown event and will be
asked a question they must answer without any forewarning as
to what the question might be.

Prior to the evening event, contestants will also undergo personal
interviews with the judges. The ladies will appear one at a time in
front of the judges that afternoon. They are expected to dress
in business attire and will be judged on their ability to present
themselves in a professional manner to the judges.
At the end of the competition, the lady who is crowned queen will be
expected to represent the county in a variety of ways. She will make
numerous appearances and will pass out ribbons and trophies at the
wide variety of judging events at the fair. She will be included in
other events around Logan County throughout the year and will
represent Logan County in a January competition for Miss Illinois
County Fair.
Morgan Barrick is the daughter of John and Heather Barrick of
Lincoln. At 17, Morgan is this year's youngest competitor. She is a
graduate of Lincoln Community High School and is planning to attend
Indiana University this fall.
Mariah Bunner
Kelsey Mariah Bunner of Lincoln is the 20-year-old daughter of Scott
Bunner and Rachel Bunner. Kelsey graduated from Lincoln Community
High School and is currently a student at Southern Illinois
University in Carbondale
Brittany Colby is the daughter of Dean and Kenda Colby of Lincoln.
At 20, she is a graduate of Lincoln Community High School and
Lincoln College. This fall she will be attending Roosevelt
University in Chicago.
Shelby Daughtery of Atlanta is the 20-year-old daughter of Tonya
Bassett and Benjie Daugherty. Shelby is a graduate of Olympia High
School and is currently attending Southern Illinois University in