Hollinghurst, Barnes on Booker Prize longlist

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[July 27, 2011]  LONDON (AP) -- Previous Booker Prize winner Alan Hollinghurst and three-time finalist Julian Barnes are again among the contenders for Britain's most prestigious literary award.

Hollinghurst's century-sweeping saga "The Stranger's Child" and Barnes' memory-haunted "The Sense of an Ending" are among 13 novels on the longlist.

Other contenders for the Booker announced Tuesday include "On Canaan's Side," by Ireland's Sebastian Barry; Stephen Kelman's debut novel "Pigeon English" and three Canadian novels -- "The Sisters Brothers" by Patrick deWitt, "Half Blood Blues" by Esi Edugyan and "Far To Go" by Alison Pick.

Six finalists will be announced Sept. 6 and the winner of the 50,000 pound ($82,000) prize will be named Oct. 18.

The Booker is open to writers from Britain, Ireland and the Commonwealth.


Online: http://www.themanbookerprize.com/

[Associated Press]

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