The very idea of a museum devoted to the secretive SEALs befuddles some. Howard says he constantly asks himself "Is this acceptable? Are we saying too much here?" when designing exhibits. The museum is preparing to open a new wing -- more than twice the size of the original building
-- which its staff hopes to focus on the post-9/11 world of the SEALs. It's tentatively slated to open with temporary exhibits by Veterans Day. The museum is trying to raise $1.5 million to create permanent exhibits it hopes will be on display a year later. What the new building may contain of the bin Laden raid is not yet known. But the museum's staff isn't all that comfortable with the immense exposure given the SEALs since the mission was accomplished. Howard thinks it was a mistake to disclose who conducted the raid, much less all of the other details divulged by Washington. As SEALs, Howard said, "You're OK operating in the dark, figuratively and literally. I think most guys are uncomfortable with the frenzy lately." Still, Howard recognizes for good or for bad, the bin Laden raid is bringing more attention to the museum. Right now, only the gift shop appears to be overtly taking advantage, with T-shirts for sale that say "The Last Thing Going Through Usama bin Laden's Mind Were Navy SEAL Bullets." How the museum will adapt to the post-bin Laden world and its own expansion remains to be seen. What Howard hopes is that visitors will take away the commitment and sacrifices of the men who have made the cut. They have been called Frogmen and Demos and SEALs and come from all walks of life, he said, but in many ways are the same. "The essence of the guy that they were looking for in World War II is a carbon copy of the guy they're looking for now," he said. ___ If you go.... NATIONAL NAVY UDT-SEAL MUSEUM: 3300 N. Highway A1A, Fort Pierce, Fla.; http://www.navysealmuseum.com or 772-595-5845. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sundays noon-4 p.m. (The museum is open on Mondays only January-April.) Adults, $8; children 6-12, $4; children under 6, free. Free for active-duty military personnel and their families, Memorial Day-Labor Day as part of the Blue Star Museums program.
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