Republicans oppose tax increases. Some GOP freshman who attended the meeting with Geithner said he stated that the administration wants higher taxes on the rich as part of a debt-cutting plan. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., pressed Obama to avoid any deal that would result in reductions in Medicare benefits, according to a Democratic official familiar with Thursday's White House meeting. "It has to be clear: We're not going to default," she told reporters. The president has not made an ironclad guarantee that he will oppose any reduction whatsoever in Medicare benefits. Benefit reductions might result from his own plan for squeezing savings from Medicare, which includes empowering an independent board to recommend changes. However, the president made clear Thursday that he wants to address health spending in a way that reduces health care inflation and doesn't shift costs onto seniors, according to a senior administration official. In the talks Biden is heading, items like farm subsidies and federal pensions have been targeted for cuts. Those negotiations resume on June 9. The White House on Thursday pushed back against calls from Republicans for Obama to show more leadership on the deficit and offer more specifics. "We are at a point now where we don't need new plans," said presidential spokesman Jay Carney, arguing that Obama has already offered one. "We need to find common ground around the shared goal of significant deficit reduction." Obama's plan for reducing the deficit by $4 trillion over 12 years relies half on spending cuts but also eliminates tax breaks and loopholes, whereas Republicans say tax increases are off the table. The argument has been particularly fierce around Medicare, the giant health insurance program for Americans 65 and older. Democrats are gaining politically from public opposition to a GOP proposal to send future beneficiaries shopping for health insurance in the private market.
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