Immanuel Lutheran Church VBS!
(next to Lincoln Community High School)
June 12-15
5:30-6pm Registration and Recreation
6-8 Dinner and Activities
Children 4 years old – 6th Grade Welcome!
help ensure an adequate blood supply for our region, First
Presbyterian Church is sponsoring a blood drive Monday, June
6, at the Lincoln Masonic Center, 2022 N. Kickapoo, in memory of
Joyce Kinzie. The hours of the blood drive are noon to 6 p.m. For
your convenience, please call Jessica to sign up toll-free at
1-866-GIVE-BLD, ext. 118, or schedule an appointment online at Walk-ins are also welcome and truly appreciated.
Faith Lutheran Church VBS
June 13th thru 17th
2011, “Group’s PandaMania”-Where God is Wild about
You! Plan to join us for a wild adventure learning
about God. Children ages 3 by June 1st
through completion of 4th grade. 2320 N.
Kickapoo St., Lincoln. For more information please
phone 217-732-4901.
Special Bible Sudy
LifePointe Church of God, located at 601 Pulaski Street, has
started a special Bible Study on Sunday Mornings at 9:30
a.m. and is planned to run for the next several months. The
subject of the study is the Holy Spirit and is complete with
biblical insights into what the Old and New Testament have
to say about the purpose, working and gifting of the Holy
Spirit. Anyone is welcome to come and attend the study.
For more information contact the church office at 732-8989.