behavior change is not an easy process. Diabetes affects every
area of a person's life, and it takes a considerable amount of
time and effort to manage the disease. Some of the most
difficult aspects of the disease are learning to change
life-long patterns of eating and activity, and adhering to a new
monitoring and medication-taking routine.
Adjustments - small and large - need to be made to an
individual's lifestyle, but where does a person start?

The American Association of Diabetes Educators outlines seven
areas of self-care that are essential for living a healthy life
with diabetes. Known as the AADE7, they are:
* Healthy eating - learning to make healthy food choices by
paying attention to nutritional content and portion sizes.
* Being active - recognizing the importance of physical activity
and making a plan to start moving today.
* Monitoring - learning to check and record your blood glucose
levels and other numbers important to your diabetes self-care.
* Taking medication - remembering to take your medications as
prescribed and understanding how they affect your body and
diabetes management.
* Problem solving - gaining skills to identify problems or
obstacles to your self-care behaviors and learning how to solve
* Reducing risks - understanding the potential complications you
are at risk for with diabetes and taking steps to prevent them.
* Healthy coping - developing healthy ways of dealing with
difficult times in your diabetes management.
Health care professionals known as diabetes educators can help
people with diabetes learn self-care strategies for each of the
AADE7, and work with individuals to set and achieve behavior
change goals in order to reduce the risk of developing