The average cost per child for 18 months of preschool in 2011 is $9,000, but Reynolds' cost-benefit analysis suggests that leads to at least $90,000 in benefits per child in terms of increased earnings, tax revenue, less criminal behavior, reduced mental health costs and other measures, he said. "No other social program for children and youth has been shown to have that level of return on investment," he said. Among the study results: 80 percent of the
preschool group finished high school versus 75 percent of the
others. Nearly 15 percent
of the preschool group attended a four-year college, versus 11
percent of the others. 28 percent of the preschool group had
skilled jobs requiring post-high school training versus 21
percent of the others. Average annual adult income for the preschool group was about $11,600 versus $10,800 for the others. The low average incomes include zero earnings for those in prison and close to that for adults who were still in college or studying elsewhere. 14 percent of the
preschool group had abused drugs in adulthood versus 19 percent
of the others. 48 percent of the preschool group had been arrested in adulthood and 15 percent had been incarcerated, versus 54 percent of the others arrested and 21 percent incarcerated. The results are based on public records, administrative data and interviews with study participants. A spokeswoman for Chicago's public schools noted that newly elected Mayor Rahm Emanuel committed during his campaign to ensuring that the city's highest-risk kids have access to early childhood programs. And despite cuts to state early childhood funding, public preschool and kindergarten programs in Chicago have not been slashed for next year, she said. ___ Online: Science: http://www.scienceexpress.org/
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