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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Giving Credit

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[June 16, 2011]   -- "Posterity will serve him; future generations will be told about the Lord, and proclaim his deliverance to a people yet unborn, saying that he has done it." Psalm 22: 31

IRestaurantn case you have not forgotten, this is the Psalm Jesus quotes as he writhes in agony on the cross. He speaks only verse 1, "My God, My God, why have your forsaken me?" But his intent is to call all of his followers to the Psalm in its entirety. And the verse above is how that Psalm concludes. In quoting Psalm 22 Jesus is quickly referencing the most complete Psalm in its exploration of the human condition as it relates to faith in God. All of us who are believers swing wildly from, "Where are you God?" to "You are pretty awesome God!" But it seems to me that we spend a little too much time, as Christians, in verse 1 and not enough time in verse 31. We tend to get pretty prickly when we feel God has failed us, and often with good reason, but do we really give God enough credit for all God has done in our lives?

Think about it this way, what do you have that you love that does not come from God? Your health? Well, God created that body of yours. Your skills and talents? God gave them to you. Your friends and family? God led you to them and they to you. See what I mean. We like to think that in all our accomplishments and achievements that we are the pure embodiment of the rugged individual, pulling ourselves up by our boot straps and achieving in life. But more often than not our achievements rest in and through the living God we worship. All we have, all we are, all we will be are rooted in the God who created this world and us along with it; the God who saves us in Jesus Christ; the God who quickens us through the Holy Spirit. So on this day I invite you to take a moment and celebrate all that God has done for you. Look at the good things in your life, those whom you love, the gifts you have been given, this beautiful world you inhabit, and say to yourself and those around you, "God has done it!"


Prayer: Holy God, thank you so much for all you have done for me. You have delivered me from the path of sin and death. You have brought me into fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ. You have given me skills and talents to serve you and provide for myself and my family. Thank you, O great God. You have done it. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

[text from file received by Phil Blackburn, First Presbyterian Church]


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