A total of $3,000 in Chamber Bucks will be
given away:
First place: $2,000 in Chamber
Second place: $750 in Chamber
Third place: $250 in Chamber
What could you do with Chamber Bucks?
$2,000 worth of groceries could
go a long way, plus help the family budget.
You can buy building supplies
for home improvements.
There are many local eateries
that honor Chamber Bucks. Your family could enjoy fine dining for months to
Update the appliances in your
home, or buy those must-have additions.
Pay for gas, car repairs, parts
or even use the Chamber Bucks for a down payment on a new vehicle.
You could pay for health and
wellness services.
Jump-start your holiday
shopping with Chamber Bucks.
Plan a "staycation" at one of
the local hotels.
You can buy a raffle ticket and
list your favorite charity, church, school or civic organization as the
beneficiary of the winnings. Imagine being the benefactor of $2,000 in
Chamber Bucks to your favorite cause.
You could live like a queen
with a manicure and pedicure every month for two years.
Create that "man cave" you've
always wanted with a new flat-screen TV, gaming system and furniture.
Up your curb appeal with new
landscaping, a grill and patio furniture.
Treat yourself to 803 two-scoop
turtle sundaes.
Have that dental work you've
been putting off.
Host a catered party for 150 of
your closest friends with the American Legion, Lincoln Banquet Center, Logan
Lanes, Owl's Roost, Guzzardo's or in your own backyard.
Purchase your tickets at the chamber office, all State Bank locations,
Culver's, Illini Bank, Regions Bank, CEFCU, Hallmark, Blades, P&M
Communications, Fitness Balance or from a chamber board member.
First Cumberland Presbyterian Church will have a chicken noodle luncheon on
Saturday, March 5, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Donations are $6; for children 8 and under, $2. Carryouts will be available.
The church is at 110 Broadway and is handicapped-accessible.
Lincoln Youth Wrestling regional results from Clinton:
8 and under -- first place: Alex Bogdanic and Roux Starr; second place:
Austin O'Donoghue, Chase Reed, Tony Gandolphi, Terrance Hyde and Devyn Snow;
third place: Dustin Meacham, Cade Tanner and Braydon Saylor; fourth place:
Bryton Fuchs
9- and 10-year-olds -- second
place: Tyler Werth; third place: Kade Schmidt
11- and 12-year-olds -- third place: Scott Lesson Jr.
Austin Dennison also participated but didn't place.
Congratulations to all who competed at regionals.
[to top of second column] |

Erich Maxheimer, son of Mike and Suzie Maxheimer from Chestnut, was
recently selected to receive the Leigh F. Zerbee Scholarship for $10,000 at the
University of Illinois. The scholarship is awarded to civil engineering students
who are specializing in military science. Erich is a freshman at the U of I and
is cadet in the Air Force ROTC program, in which he is also a member of the
Arnold Air Society. He is a member of the Orange Krush and also belongs to the
Sigma Phi Delta engineering fraternity. He also was named on the fall 2010
dean's list.
The Logan County Soil & Water Conservation District will sponsor a
tree sale program again this year to encourage more tree planting. The trees
may be used for any purpose and planted in town or country. Some uses are as
windbreaks, timber production, wildlife cover, Christmas trees and ornamental
Evergreen species being offered this year are white pine, Norway spruce,
Colorado blue spruce and Douglas fir. Hardwoods, ornamentals and shrubs being
offered are red maple, red oak, white oak, river birch, black walnut, eastern
redbud, red osier dogwood, silky dogwood, and high-bush cranberry.
The evergreens will be sold in bundles of 25 and the hardwoods will be sold
in bundles of five. These trees will be sold at a cost of approximately $1 per
tree. If you cannot use 25 trees, you might want to combine your order with a
neighbor. Individual trees may be purchased at a cost of $2 per tree.
Marking flags will be sold. These flags may be placed by the trees to help
locate them for mowing. A two-year time-release fertilizer tablet is also
available. Orders will also be taken for tree protectors. These are corrugated
plastic wraps that protect the tree from deer, rodents, weather and mowers. The
wrap promotes straighter and faster growth.
Trees are scheduled to be delivered in April. You will be notified as to the
exact date for pickup. Please call the district office at 735-5508, ext. 3, or
stop by the office at 1650 Fifth Street Road, Lincoln, for more information and
an order form. Deadline for ordering trees is March 14.
Chamber ag scholarships available
On Thursday, March 24, the Lincoln/Logan County Chamber of Commerce will
award scholarships to local students pursuing degrees in ag-related fields. In
2010 the chamber awarded $9,000 with the help of our local business community.
Encourage students you know to apply today. High school and current college
students qualify.
Chamber scholarship information