"The level of cuts some of my House colleagues propose would cut the federal government's nose off to spite its face," said Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke weighed in Wednesday, telling a committee the House GOP's spending cuts plan would reduce economic growth by as much as two-tenths of a percentage point and hurt job growth. "That would translate into a couple hundred thousand jobs," Bernanke said. "It is not trivial." The $4 billion in immediate savings produced Wednesday comes from some of the easiest spending cuts Congress can make. It hits accounts that Obama has proposed eliminating and reaps some of the savings brought about by Republicans' earlier moves to prohibit lawmakers from "earmarking" pet projects for their districts and states. "While some have been patting themselves on the back for proposing $4 billion in so-called `cuts,' in reality this bill fully funds billions upon billions of dollars in wasteful, duplicative programs that should be eliminated, reduced or reformed," said freshman Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, who defeated a GOP incumbent last year with tea party backing. At issue are the operating budgets of every federal agency, including the Pentagon, where Defense Secretary Robert Gates is increasingly anxious for a full-year funding bill with budget increases. The so-called discretionary spending represents about a third of the overall $3.8 trillion federal budget, and government agencies have been operating at last year's funding level for five months since the start of the budget year in October. Gates pressed House lawmakers for a Pentagon spending bill, warning them that without a budget increase "there's no funds for the pay raise, for any increase in fuel prices, no money to pay for increases in health care costs. It has a severe impact." He said contracts could become more expensive and efforts to build Virginia-class attack submarines could be compromised. Across Capitol Hill, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency warned a Senate panel of severe consequences if EPA enforcement efforts are slashed. "If Congress ever gutted that funding, then EPA would be unable to implement or enforce the laws that protect Americans' health, livelihoods and pastimes," EPA administrator Lisa Jackson said. "Big polluters would flout legal restrictions on dumping contaminants into the air, into rivers and onto the ground."
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