The Combined Kid’s Choirs of
Lincoln Christian Church
FISH TALES, the complete saga, is a musical in three parts
about gratitude, missions, and Easter using the stories from
the Bible about fish. These “Fish Tales” are stories that
are “supernatural, completely factual, and actually
occurred.” Why? Because these tales come from God’s Word!
Join the Gill family, Taylor, Drew, Cleo, and Gillian as
they compete in a fishing tournament while learning about
being fishers of men. FISH TALES will get you “hooked” on
the Bible!
Join Master’s Praise, Children of Praise, and the Cherub
as they present FISH TALES!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Center
Lincoln Christian Church
June 26-30, 2011
You won’t want to miss this year’s VBS so mark your calendar
today! Signup sheets to partner with us in serving at VBS
this year will be posted soon. And there will be signup
sheets for needed supplies for snacks and crafts. Watch the
bulletin for sign up information.
Who We Are, Where We Are.
Have you ever thought about
your identity? About who you really are on the inside? On
the outside, we carry on many roles. What we do on the
outside demonstrates what’s on the inside.
That’s how it is with the
church. God’s plan is for all to come to Him. That is
where the church comes in. The church is to lead people,
love people, serve and care for others.
At First Baptist Church,
we are a church that cares and loves. We invite you to
come worship with us at 101 Broadway St. every Wednesday
evening until April 13th. We offer a free
fellowship meal from 5:30 – 6:15 p.m. At 6:15 – 7:15 p.m.,
there are activities for the children. From 6:30 – 7:15
p.m., we offer an adult Bible Study.
Our Sunday schedule begins with
Sunday School at 9 a.m. and Worship Service at 10 a.m. with
Pastor Robert Henderson.
For more information, please
call 217-732-7409.
A Bald-Face Challenge!
On Sunday, January 23rd,
Pastor Robert gave the congregation a challenge and the
church is committed to meet it. Pastor Robert has
agreed that, if the church can fill the pews on or before
Easter Sunday, he will shave his head in front of the
congregation. The estimated capacity is 140 people.
If you don’t have a church home, this is a great opportunity
to join in a fun challenge and find a new church home!
First Baptist Church welcomes
each of you to God’s house. As we gather to draw near
to God, may we also draw near to those worshiping with us.
Upcoming Events at First Baptist:
February 27 – Ties That Bind meal and speakers to follow – free to
public. Come see what we are doing for the community and
how we are one of the ties that bind!
March 12 from 7 a.m. – Noon – Tickets are now on sale for the
Annual Pancake and Sausage Breakfast. Call the church
office at 732-9407 for more information.