Spring is a wonderful time of the year. I think as things start to
come alive, the trees turn a little green and the leaves begin to
open up. The grass decides it’s time to grow up and be mowed.
Next the tulips and daffodils show their pretty faces. The good
Lord gives Mother Nature a great big boost. I love to hear the birds
singing and watch the robins build their nests. The flocks of geese
head north, and everyone seems to know, there are busy times ahead.
It was a very busy time for my dad and the rest of the farmers,
getting the ground ready for planting, and livestock ready for their
young to be born. We were busy helping mother plant the garden and
do the spring cleaning. We looked forward to school getting out,
swimming, and the county fair, where we would show our animals.
Spring always went fast as we moved into summer.
Betty Armstrong
TCV Writer’s Group
Springtime, what a beautiful time of the year. The dirty snow is
melting, spring rains are cleaning the earth and washing away the
last traces of winter. The robins are busy looking for food in the
fresh green grass that’s just popping up.
The flowers are springing up a little each day into beautiful
crocus, daffodils, tulips and violets. Prettier than an artist could
paint; what a great God we have! The farmers start getting anxious
to get in their fields, but take time to plow some ground for the
ladies to get their onions, potatoes, and peas planted.
Of course, spring always means spring cleaning. Painting, window
washing, drapes and curtains to wash, but, oh, how nice and fresh
everything looks when you get done.
You can take your long underwear off, and the children can get
out and play in the sunshine.
The farmers still have problems with the weather, but praise God,
they usually get the crops in. Spring means Easter and children
coloring eggs and the Easter egg hunts. Spring also means baby
chicks, so tiny and fuzzy.
The greatest part about Easter is the resurrection. After all the
work and worries here on earth, faith gives us a future in Heaven.
Helen Tanner
TCV Writer’s Group
