Disney applies for 'Seal Team 6' trademark

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[May 17, 2011]  SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The Walt Disney Co. has applied for a trademark on the name "Seal Team 6," the name of the unit of specially trained Navy SEALs that killed Osama bin Laden in a raid in Pakistan earlier this month.

Three applications filed May 3 -- the day after the raid -- with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office by Disney Enterprises Inc. state an intention to use the mark for a range of products, including entertainment and education services, clothing, toys, games and Christmas stockings.

Companies have tried to trademark combat-related terms before. A day after U.S. allied forces entered Iraq in 2003, Sony Corp. applied to trademark the war's catchphrase, "shock and awe," for use as the title of a video game. The application was later abandoned.

[Associated Press]

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